Reviews for To kindle a Flame
Curclark chapter 17 . 6/2/2023
Why do writers prefer Ao3? I've never liked it as a reader. It isn't user friendly. it is hard to search for stories based on specific characters because for whatever reason any character in the story is listed instead of who it is mainly about.
derpsnort chapter 5 . 5/7/2021
Your writing style is abit dull and depressing.
Guest chapter 17 . 5/6/2021
Fella never heard of just posting to both lol, lame.
Kurochach chapter 17 . 5/4/2021
Thanks for the info, I marked for later your Naruto's fix on ao3
Guest chapter 17 . 5/4/2021
This is wonderful
sophiewhettingsteel chapter 17 . 5/4/2021
cool, thanks for letting us know!
nacheell chapter 4 . 10/5/2020
i just can't she gets in my nerves so much. and this is my second time trying to read this again sorry
Intellectual909 chapter 16 . 9/16/2020
Adorable. Wholesome. Heart-breaking.

I wonder what Mikoto said to Fuhaku. Will Fuhaku have another child? That wouldn't do favors for Reishi's mental state.

Will Danzo try to force Reishi to participate in the exams? Or something similar? Seems plausible.

Your writing style is pleasant. It carries the tone and mood well. Plus, when it's supposed to be funny, it *is* and that's o darn amazing. A common error you make is writing "so many time" instead of "so much time".

I'd be very eager to read more. Thank you.
Avalayn chapter 16 . 7/20/2020
I really love this story, I hope it's not abandoned Dx I can't wait for more cute Itachi moments. I'm also really curious as to who bear is. at first I thought he was Minato because of his age but Minato isn't really big and I doubt he would still be in ANBU after taking on a genin team. I'm starting to think he's another OC now.
guest chapter 16 . 7/7/2020
i love your fugaku. and the uchiha-reishi-family. and bear.
but i'm missing obito terribly.
and shikaku is not my favourite person at the moment.
ForestShadeau chapter 16 . 3/31/2020
Thanks for the hard work love the story _
homelybiscuit chapter 16 . 2/11/2020
I love this story, I can' wait to read more!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/11/2020
I don’t remember much from this story, which is why I’m back to read it again. But I remember how much it stood out to me because of her unique situation (yikes) and then her friendship with I think it was a bear? Well look forward to finding out again lol
Icura chapter 3 . 11/30/2019
The writing so far is emotionless. It reads like a summary, and the parts where I could see emotion being injected into the writing are left alone almost purposefully. The ideas are interesting though.

Well, this chapter was probably written a couple of years ago so I would have to see if it changes later on.
Le Caramel Mou chapter 16 . 10/15/2019
This story is AMAZING.
I like the idea of an OC who does not wish to befriend the characters of "Naruto" but gets involved with them more or less against her will.
Even though I don't like Rei, I think I can kind of understand her, which is, imo, way more difficult to write. So, many kudos to you
Btw, I absolutely love her relationship with Fugaku.
Hope to see you back~
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