Reviews for Codename: Don't Tell Fury
Manderin07 chapter 21 . 4/8/2024
OMG. I am in love with this story and the characters and the interactions... Seriously, like totally one of my new favorites. I desperately hope that you pick this back up again at some point. It would be like the best thing ever!
CharleyReyes chapter 20 . 3/25/2024
Oh my goodness, I adore what you did with the house of Black! And sending Loki to his nursery/place of birth was magnificent! Please continue with this fun wonderful story.
BluexXHorizon chapter 21 . 2/6/2024
I hope you someday decide to continue this, this is definitely one of my favorite HP/MCU stories...

I would absolutely love to see Hermione get some apples and learn under her new potential mother, Andy destroy Odin, and some step-brotherly bonding time between Thor and Harry.
TheEternalExistentialist chapter 21 . 1/7/2024
Loving the powerful women of the Black family!
Hoseoko chapter 17 . 12/8/2023
Im not reading anymore of this. Its rushed and the plot is so full of obvious devices that it completely tales you out of the story. Hermione gets randomly mind attacked and subsequently attacks friga, gets locked up in the same cell as loki and then bacause of that she has to marry him? And shes just ok with that? What? No thanks
Bambu chapter 21 . 11/1/2023
I read the early chapters of this a long time ago, and I stumbled across it early last night. I really like the slight change of tangent you've taken the last few chapters, and I've a fondness for a Loki/Hermione pairing. I'm most delighted by the addition of Andromeda Black Tonks to the story, especially her matriarchal position over Harry and Hermione. Very intriguing. I hope you have a chance and inclination to pursue this in the future. It's honestly a delightful read.
C chapter 21 . 10/4/2023
Oh, I love this story so much.. I hope to see more chapters soon. Thank you.
beyond.the.staras chapter 21 . 6/11/2023
amygomochristen chapter 21 . 4/2/2023
This is a really great story-I hope that you will update it soon and finish it!
Callialex chapter 21 . 3/11/2023
This story is a lot of fun! Thanks for posting it.
newt52 chapter 21 . 2/16/2023
May reviews rain down upon you.
Darknessdawns chapter 21 . 1/12/2023
This is a surprisingly interesting story. I honestly wasn't sure what to think of it when I first started it. It looked like it was just going to follow along with the first Avengers movie. However it then decided to go its own way and I'm very curious to see where that leads. I kinda like Hermione and Loki as a pairing. I'm also very curious to know if Loki was actually being controlled. I would be nice to see him as truthful and dependable where Hermione is concerned. At any rate I do hope you continue this.
Luminara chapter 21 . 12/20/2022
Oh I just love this story! Please please update
Charley chapter 21 . 11/13/2022
Okay I love your stories. But damn, you leave cliff hangers. I love end the idiots get there’s. Why, yes whining here, can’t you go the distance and give us the good part. Ending before the punishments and the comeuppance of said idiots is just wrong!
ashadowdancer chapter 20 . 11/9/2022
i hope you will continue this story!
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