Reviews for Can You See Me Now?
lara5170 chapter 46 . 3/31/2020
This is interesting and I'm looking forward to reading more. I'm also hoping that Naruto doesn't decide to go with his stupid Orange wearing persona
SODAPOP1974 chapter 46 . 3/31/2020
Good job Man!
Scarease chapter 46 . 3/30/2020
Remind of other fanfiction where Anko was one of Naruto teachers .helping him with coming up with spy persona ,countless identities using his shapeshifting ability to different forms of people this allowing him to be better spy,assassin and infiltraitor .
The story was called The Mouse of Konoha I think it was great read well it lasted funny and very interesting concepts .you should check it out done by Obsiden Dreamer .
TigrezzTail chapter 46 . 3/30/2020
Hm, I'd imagine that Shino and Shika will have difficult time. Shika because of the amount of energy it will take to keep the persona up until he gets comfortable with it, without having to consciously maintain it. Anything Shino does is going to be so counter to his nature that he's going to have to concentrate to keep it up and it'll likely take a long time to become natural. It's be interesting to see what you chose for them.
kyuzi4869 chapter 46 . 3/30/2020
I was wondering, why don't they use sealing scroll to pack their needs?
lara5170 chapter 15 . 3/30/2020
I think it would be cool if Naruto became friends with some of the others eventually like Haku unless the teams are only going to be isolated with each other.
lara5170 chapter 11 . 3/30/2020
It has been a while since I read this so I am rereading it from the beginning. I remember that it is slow going. I don't remember if he did but I think it would be cool if Naruto got into sealing or something.
laurajustin chapter 46 . 3/30/2020
Great story! Can't wait for the next update!
G3r1k chapter 46 . 3/30/2020
Man. All this talk about persona is making me excited for tomorrow. (March31) cause persona 5 royal comes out.
GamerX568 chapter 46 . 3/30/2020
I think Jōnin would be too busy to chase Naruto, so it was probably Chūnin that he outran.
DarkRavie chapter 46 . 3/30/2020
I really like this story. It's an excellent read I look forward to reading what happens in your next chapter.
SincerelyChrissy chapter 45 . 3/17/2020
So...I have just spent the last 7 hours reading this and it is wonderful (flying homeee so yayyy). Quite enjoyable and I am excited to see where you continue to go!
FallLucifer chapter 45 . 3/12/2020
Well heres a fav and follow from me, just keep doing what your doing and i can see this story continuing to be epic for a long time to come.
tomervi chapter 45 . 3/9/2020
Sei que provavelmente não fala português, então peço desculpa antecipadamente. Eu gostaria de saber como é feito o cronograma de atualização da história e se ela só se encontra nesta plataforma. Novamente desculpe por mandar uma mensagem em português
Guest chapter 45 . 3/4/2020
This is so damn well written. Love how the story develops. Keep up the good work man, it's epic.
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