Reviews for Can You See Me Now?
Lord Vaserious chapter 1 . 12/25/2021
Interesting premise
Aedwards179 chapter 21 . 12/15/2021
not done with the chapter yet but I'm assuming Minato ordered those brushes. it would just fit
Cassa-Andra chapter 47 . 12/7/2021
I just reread this fic and am still enjoying it. Glad I restumbbled across it.

Thanks for sharing.
itsmeRylie chapter 47 . 11/15/2021
Cant wait for the next update! Stay safe and healthy auhtor!️️️
Astral star chapter 46 . 11/8/2021
hey can't wait for the next chapter thank you for writing it
LampKing chapter 5 . 11/2/2021
lmao yeah sasuke is totally the person to unironically use peasant
MoonlightMiracle.SakurianaHime chapter 47 . 11/1/2021
Hope that you can update soon!
BlackDragonShinigami chapter 46 . 10/25/2021
Myfanfix chapter 47 . 10/21/2021
This was the first story I read when I first got into Naruto Fanfictions, at the time it was only 37 chapters long. I was so excited to see there is 45 chapters now. :D :D :D I had to binge read them all over again. I love the humor, adventures, descriptions, emotions and oh the feels! Best Story Ever! XD I can't wait to read more chapters. Already Fav'd and Followed.

Covid has wrecked many lives out there, but fanfiction remains the way out of reality for me at least. I have no one, but the fanfiction I read. So I'm always reading these fanfics. They always make me super happy in a comforting way. Plus, I listen to a lot of Naruto soundtracks while reading fanfics, it helps with the feels, lol. My friend is on SoundCloud, her username on there is SpaceLady87 if you want to look up the ginormous playlist. :D
Azla Hashi chapter 11 . 10/20/2021
I love your ideas especially when you made Naruto with Shika and Shino. But, I feel like Naruto didn't have the mask of prankster or goofiness in the first place. If he was known to be that, it means he had that mask for a long time and Naruto should have put the mask on out of habit even though he decided not to 'cheat'.

So, if I were to put aside people's thought of him being enigma or a prankster, I would have thought he was timid and shy from the very beginning because of how he acted now. If you offended because of this, I'm sorry. I just wanted to point this out so you could probably add a bit of fake cheerful smile or something. It would be more natural that way, I think. Then, Naruto would slowly let his true self come out. Not this fast though. Thank you
Oogamy chapter 47 . 10/20/2021
It's so cool I was so impatient to see a new chapter and although I admit I thought it was an abandoned fanfiction but there surprise a new chapter and as usual great to read even after all this time rereading all your fanfiction was a real pleasure.
Deal With Itt chapter 39 . 10/17/2021
i like this story but i dont understand why they're hiding their training. If they get the clone thing to work sure but they really haven't done anything yet.
Deal With Itt chapter 9 . 10/17/2021
Wow he's 27 he looks rough
LunaOlcaRaca chapter 47 . 10/16/2021
Welcome back! Thank you also very much for the update! I was so shocked when this popped up in the updated list. I reread everything! Tbh I've read your fanfic how many times now, but rereading when there's an update doesn't lessen how fantastic it is. I can't wait for their C-rank mission! And I bet the chūnin exam will be amazing and that they'll destroy the curve way too much hahaha I can already see the shock faces~

I am a bit curious on what their fronts would be since Naruto stated that being boisterous gets tiring. Will he become the quiet and gentleman type then? Will Shiba be straight and taciturn; and Shikamaru will go back to acting like everything is troublesome? Haha
Miyu Kokomi chapter 47 . 10/15/2021
Thank you for history
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