Reviews for Justice
Travelers' Co chapter 9 . 8/9/2018
Hold on. I thought they were avoiding Gotham because of Batman and his relationship with the Justice League.
Halariel chapter 9 . 8/9/2018
You know what? I think that It would be awesome if Hancock suddenly appeared in the DCU as well. Dang that'd be absolutely hillarious
TangentWalker chapter 1 . 8/9/2018
Wait. You know that not all the characters in One Piece are Japanese right? The One Piece would is full of different nationalities. I think that your confused by the fact the One Piece is a anime/manga and instantly thinking that it makes all the characters Japanese. It makes your story feel weird when you start talking about how "Japanese" the One Piece characters are when they have names like Sanji, Usopp and Luffy.

I think your story would go better if you just switched to Oda's official statements on character's nationalities. Every time I read someone mentioning how the Strawhats are Japanese, I find it really irritating.

Asides from that. Keep up the good work.
FelgrandDragon chapter 9 . 8/9/2018
Welcome Back! Been looking forward to this update! The action was softer this time around, but you made up for it by doing some serious character growth and giving the readers a good definition of what a hero is. The part with the rumor of "tainted hotdog" was why the crew wasn't in Gotham: hilarious! I laughed so hard when I read that, yes Batman, you can't find any leads because Luffy is just that random. It was worth the wait for this chapter, sad we didn't get to see much Straw Hats but the small bit with Luffy was a great look into how he is considering the DCAU.
As for advice or opinions, I would only say that you're doing amazing with the character designs. For future ideas I keep imagining either Law or Hancock suddenly appearing in the DCAU with either the Justice League capturing them or the crew getting to them first and finally getting an idea about how they got here. No matter what you decide I'm excited and waiting with baited breath for what happens next!
Loldino chapter 9 . 8/9/2018
wolpe chapter 9 . 8/9/2018
Thank you for the chapter :D
Slaggedfire chapter 9 . 8/9/2018
Can't the Lantern rings detect residual dimensional energy from different dimensions or universes? This should be solved by now.
tomahawkESP chapter 9 . 8/9/2018
This is one of my favorite fanfics! And you are one of my favorite writers! I’m so happy to see the story back in action, but it could’ve used a little bit more of the straw hats POV. Eh, you’ll probably do that in the next chapter. And we all know that black beard is going to align himself with Lex Luther, since they’re both equally cunts
musizlover2008 chapter 9 . 8/9/2018
At last you updated with a new chapter. Not much going on with the Straw Hats, still laying low while building their one way ticket home. I laughed at the part where the reason why the SH are not going to Gotham City is because Luffy heard from someone that they have bad meat there. The relationship between Diana and Bruce is shown some light which is good. Also, thank you for using the protective justice comment. Just like all kinds of justice, its not perfect and its sometimes blind to the truth. They didn't want to eliminate the Imperium and his species but it was either us or them, and those are the hard choices that heroes come across sometimes.

Plus, I don't think Luffy should have those Green Lantern powers, sure he has tremendous will, but the power of the Gomu Gomu no Mi will make the GL powers redundant. I mean, Luffy can st
Val'Hor chapter 9 . 8/9/2018
Welcome back ! I loved this chapter and I look forward to reading the next updates so keep up the good work !
TheMaster4444 chapter 9 . 8/9/2018
I love the Batman and Wonder Woman friendship in this chapter, as well as Luffy contemplating how to make his presence a bit safer for the world he's in.
Tactition101 chapter 9 . 8/9/2018
No lie, I gave a fist pump and a small ‘yay!’ when I saw the chapter alert, and it did not disappoint.
SilentXD7 chapter 9 . 8/9/2018
Great chapter keep the good work and I can't wait to see more of your work in the future. After reading one of your responses about Luffy ending up becoming a green lantern, now I really hope you have Luffy obtaining a green lantern ring later in the story. I can see all the members of Justice League especially John Stewart having their jaws on the floor seeing Luffy flying around with the ring hahahahahahah. Even if he gets a major power up from the ring, I doubt he will abuse the ring except for stealing other people's food or constructing something stupid with it since he enjoys fighting people and I can only see him use the ring for dire situations. Just imagine how luffy will use the ring in conjunction with his rubber powers especially with his gears/haki ... my god... that would so awesome. As for Lobo, I'm entirely sure. I don't know much about the dc universe but I have a feeling he might join them just to have fun and probably leave after the StrawHats have accomplished their goals. I hope Grundy will join them since he deserves some love and he is one of my favorite dc characters plus armament haki Grundy is so cool to imagine. Again keep the good work and I can't wait to see more of your work in the future.
Legianreader2003 chapter 9 . 8/9/2018
Love your story hope you update soon .Good work white the story.
Evil Reviewer chapter 8 . 8/6/2018
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