Reviews for Justice
musizlover2008 chapter 8 . 7/4/2018
I got the perfect name of the style of justice practiced by the Justice League. Its called Protective Justice, where obviously they protect everyone without taking the life of a criminal. You know how there are different names of justice in the One Piece world like Sakasuki's Absolute Justice, Kuzan's Lazy Justice and Rob Lucci's Dark Justice. I figure that the DCU needs a name for its brand of justice.
Michael chapter 8 . 7/2/2018
I was surprised by how good this was.
Millennion chapter 8 . 6/28/2018
I am very impressed at how you have put this together.
Millennion chapter 6 . 6/28/2018
This is an extremely well written and original story and I love every second of it
Guest chapter 8 . 6/21/2018
great story
Krisss2 chapter 1 . 6/20/2018
Oh. My. God. This is sooooo good. I am officially dubbing this “The Best One Piece Crossover”!

And I can’t wait for the next chapter! I’ve had so many ideas about this story. Like “will any of the straw hats ever go to the watchtower?” Or “what if, during a fight, Jinbei gets hurt and the justice league take him since they don’t know he’s a straw hat and they try to protect him from the pirates, not realizing he /is/ one?” And do they ever find out about the trans dimension travel thing ? And how many of the adopted villains go back with Luffy? And just gaargh! I need more!

Not that I want spoilers, because I’d rather find out by reading. And I definitely don’t want to rush you, because the longer time between updates, the more thought put into it, right? I just want to tell you how much I have throroughly enjoyed reading this, even if it’s never completed( which would be sad and I will mourn). You’ve done really well with the “Justice vs. Freedom” conflict, rather than “Good vs. Evil”. And I love your character portrayals even though I’m not as familiar with the Justice league as I am One Piece.

Batman and Alfred have always been my favorite of the heroes, with flash and Wonder Woman close behind, and I love how you’ve got Alfred’s snark( especially the Bruce Wayne Kidnap scene XD). And I’m really glad how Harley’s joined with the strawhats, and how Sanji dealt with joker. Because for all that Harley’s my favorite villain, Joker’s my least favorite and any misfortune he gets makes me smile.

Alright, I know I rambled a bit and not everything made sense in this review, but I really had to vent some of this, so thanks for reading all the way through this. And thanks for writing something so amazing that made my day sooo much better.
BlantonM chapter 8 . 6/15/2018
To the guy going on about this story, this wormrepo guy, you don't seem to understand that this story is based on the DCAU universe. You know, where everyone sucked until later on when they got a butt ton of new members' and they did things with questionable legality? Did you not read any of the disclaimers? To Black Victor Cachat, I enjoy the direction this story is taking and I must apologize for this little outburst from me. This worm guy's complaining about different DC canon subjects annoyed me.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/15/2018
To wormrepo, I recommend paying special attention to the Sanji and Chopper section in chapter 8 to get a better idea why the Straw Hats didn't go to the papers directly over the break-in.
Guest chapter 8 . 6/14/2018
Hey wormrepo!
I read your comments, I gotta correct you on one thing. The powers of plastic Man are totally different to Luffy's own power that just makes him rubber... The plastic Man literally has invulnerability, he can be torn apart! and will regenerate himself, he also manipulates the density of his body, he is energy resistant and he doesn't "strech" like Luffy instead plastic-man "manipulates" his body.
wormrepo chapter 5 . 6/13/2018
"They have proven themselves criminals by how violently they had resisted illegal arrest while having their business broken into, being chased, threatened and having a item stolen from them which was threatening."

Again! If they simply went on the offensive news wise they would have caused so much trouble for the JL. They don't have to work with Lex or anyone else, they could have simply posted it all on their no doubt former medical website.

So contrived. Though at least this time you have Luffy be a mentally deficient child that blurts things out, constantly. How people and the author go on about him actually being highly intelligent and observant when he did that is.. To put it bluntly it goes against it. It read weird and seems to be in universe SOD breaking.

"He is actually quite smart and observant like a hawk. He can be trusted to make choices. But he will also blurt out everything which ruins their position and threatened his entire crew along with their chances at getting home cause he is.. Smart and observant? Huh?"

In a fight he is, with his crew and generally with people's emotions he is. But any thing else? He is a outright idiot and should be called out.

As for Aresia there is no way it would work out like that. For one what she did was a war crime, secondly with how many sickly or just not strong physically males there are in the world millions would have died. Millions.

She would have been put to death, period. The only way she might get out of it is if she told not only everything she knew, about Everything, but if she could somehow help out massively. Even then it wasn't just one sect of the world or group of people, it effected the entire world.

If she wasn't executed there would be a war. As she is a Amazon there would also be massive backlash on them as a whole for awhile.

By the way despite everything I said I do enjoy this story. Sorry if it came across as mean but I really do want this story to be polished some day to fix these things or at least have them called out.
wormrepo chapter 4 . 6/13/2018
It seems here, which is par for the course, Bruce tracks the money of everyone. Which is illegal. But of course no one calls him out on it. Man I just wish there was one DC thing that was more realistic in the story that didn't bash. Why is it is hard to talk to government officials about that type of thing? To blackmail certain people for the permission? Or to simply bribe people?

It is kind of trying to have every single Batman story be filled with illegal and hypocritical things but nothing is ever done without it being way over the line.

That isn't really a problem with just your story but for all Batman or DC stories.

I will say having anyone think stretching is a 'harmless' power when Plastic Man exists is unbelievable. In Injustice Batman actually considers Plastic Man to be the most dangerous person, power wise, on the entire planet now.

As for Diana.. She goes on about them not dealing with things legally and attacking when they do the Exact Same Thing. *Rubs forehead* Ugh.. The logic is just.. Ugh.

Also gotta love how it is Luffy that thinks of the innocent civilians and not, you know, anyone from the JL. Them going on about this being inevitable is mildly annoying. They kept going on about it being on their terms when they would meet and now this? And not going on the offensive via the news outlets against them to gain more ground to raise their chances of success..
wormrepo chapter 3 . 6/13/2018
Huh. Lois knows Bruce is Batman but not who Superman is despite working with Clark and neither one wearing any sort of mask? That makes no sense and reeks of comic BS. While it is being reported and no charges being submitted the government can prosecute Superman and Batman themselves on countless things. How no one with connections is taking advantage of that is insane.

Though in this chapter we have a idea of where they have been stealing from, finally.

While not involving the JL makes some sense it also doesn't. They are so hard pressed to get home while saying they will do anything to do so that them not going after the ones with alien technology, dimensional technology, genuine divine artifacts along with experience with FTL is pretty out there.

"We know they have all of these things. They could easily get us home if we stole from them, at least far quicker, but no. We will just keep repeating as a mantra how we will steal and do whatever is needed to get home, except the one thing that can get us there. Cause we couldn't destroy what we make from the other side, cause going in the middle of no where and setting a explosion on a timer for the device would be impossible. We also won't do it as while they have 'reasons' to track us and use their telepaths we won't let it be on our terms when it happens."

It is just flat out a 'ehhhh' type of logic which from what I can tell only exists to create drama and keep the story going. How Bruce keeps going on about them being up to no good, still with no proof, and going so far as to use their products along with sell it is.. Again, ehhhhh?

I don't know if you have a beta but it seems like you either need one to point these types of things out or you simply don't mind all the plot holes for the stories sake.
wormrepo chapter 2 . 6/13/2018
Another short summary, which is far shorter than the last one I did. They go on about taking things and such but we never have a moment when that has happened, yet. Kind of weird to be honest..

They also talk about stealing research but don't seem to care about aliens and didn't name anyone important to steal from such as Lex. Also kind of weird but in the end a overall good chapter.
wormrepo chapter 1 . 6/13/2018
Let me summarize this chapter. Straw Hats are helping tons of people, Supes goes in as a reporter and tries to illegally scan the place, when that fails he goes to Bruce who illegally enters the property via breaking and entering thinking, quite smugly in fact, about how he can arrest them for how they constructed the place.

When they confront Batman they don't attack but after some talking he sends a signal, Supes crashes through the ground/building risking lives as he can't see anything along with compromising the very structure integrity of the building. He notes this very thing afterwards as one of the reasons he can't go after them because of the damage he just did.

Lead smoke is used to block Supes vision but does nothing to all of his other senses which as they are right there work perfectly. Bruce of course has no mask on and is breathing in lead which should see him needing medical treatment right away along but this is simply hand waved away and never commented on. Breathing that is should have also caused permanent damage to Bruce.

Despite how Supes could have grabbed Bruce and followed just one of them running for capture he doesn't, instead he talks with Bruce while they both inhale lead lined smoke. This is after a minute of somehow failing to track or grab any of them.

In the end it has the so called heroes being hypocrites, endangering lives, magically healing themselves and losing a medical company that was helping people the world over. Both Superman and Batman were holding that idiot's ball pretty hard in this chapter on top of everything else.

Everything I just mentioned happened For No Reason. There was no illegal activity they were investigating, no courts saying they can do this, no one being hurt, no money they thought was being illegally obtained, absolutely nothing.

This is the basis of this entire story and if you can ignore that you will find it a entertaining read.

Moving away from that section there is Diana's (Wonder Woman's) section. As you are going by what happened to her mother and the other Amazons it should be noted they rebelled and killed the majority of those that raped and enslaved them.

This isn't mentioned at all and I think it wasn't just because it would have utterly ruined Diana's line of reasoning.

If that didn't happen I need to ask how the Amazons got free and what happened to all of the guys who did what they did to them.
The Eighth Shichibukai chapter 8 . 6/11/2018
Oh my oh my oh my oh mt what a great stoooryy
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