Reviews for Justice
Guest chapter 8 . 4/20/2018
aaah it was nice, the battle scene especially, i had waited for a Zoro fight for so long and it was nice that it was against a fellow swordsman, although i expected that there would be more of it.
the talking of the crew is good, its feels very well written... have a nice day!
lokpik122589 chapter 8 . 4/20/2018
I loved this chapter, I hope both batman and the shining knight discover how to cut nothing. This was a great read the Bruce Wayne part has me laughing so hard. I really hope that franky incorporated captain colds freeze tech into his gear. If he figures out how to replicate than akainue better watch himself. I hope luffy heard the voice of green lanterns ring and can combine his haki with the light of will.
Axccel chapter 1 . 4/20/2018
This fic reminds me of the song “Black Flag” by Miracle of Sound.
blueexorcistfansince2012 chapter 8 . 4/20/2018
yasss an update
mellra chapter 8 . 4/20/2018
Another superb chapter! Like how you show that it's not all black and white between both the Straw Hats and JL. Great fight scene between Zoro and Shining Knight and who knows, maybe Zoro's advice will help Justin more during the fight against General Eiling. Three possible suggestions for future chapters:

1) As a nod to the Batman: The Brave and the Bold episode Mayhem of the Music Meister, there can be a chapter devoted to a 'music' battle between Brook and Black Canary.
2) While I might not know what you have planned for Gotham, perhaps there can be a competition between Nami and Catwoman to see who's the better "cat burglar".
3) While you probably have Injustice for All planned out, I'd imagine Lex Luthor would probably seek out Chopper's help to cure his Kryptonite poisoning, though the way he goes about it will probably earn him an ass kicking from the Straw Hats.

Anyway, great work as always and I can't wait to see more!
OtakuWithHazeEye chapter 8 . 4/20/2018
Hey, it's TheOtakuWithHazelEyes- not signed in cause I'm on my phone.

Great chapter- I agree, Sir Justin vs Eiling is one of my favorite moments in the series too! I love his fight with Zoro. I also laughed out loud at Franky's declaration that Superman must be a pervert like him. I look forward to the day he says that to Clark's face and seeing the latter's reaction. And I like you're examining the the consequences of the crew's "benign" actions. We love the Straw Hats, but there's no such thing as a victimless crime!

So, any hints as to what Siege is about? I tried looking at upcoming episodes, but none seemed to fit. And are any other One Piece characters going to show up? (Though not for a while I hope- I see that as an Unlimited plot point, like if a villain popped up.)

Also, does the League yet realize how young some of the Straw Hats are? The majority of them are in their early twenties or younger.

Oh, and I went ahead and looked at those guests' reviews- I would definitely go with the time difference one, if only to keep the Straw Hats from missing out on too much in their own world.

Hey, if you ever need someone to bounce ideas off of, drop me a message! I'd be happy to help! All in all, great chapter and I can't wait for next time! Good luck and happy writing!
Guest chapter 8 . 4/20/2018
Fantastic chapter. While you make excellent points regarding the Straw Hat's impact on the DC World, you've also written a brilliant story where the less than moral protagonists of a world corrupt from within, are forced in a world with moral protagonists in a world with pockets of immorality. Exceptional.
Guest chapter 7 . 4/20/2018
Yes updated was o. The last page to cool
Guest chapter 6 . 4/19/2018
This is good
neah20 chapter 8 . 4/20/2018
Great! Zoro!
tomahawkESP chapter 8 . 4/20/2018
You are GREAT at this! I am fully invelloped in this story! cant wait for the next chapter!

Also, will you do any pairings?
Freefan1412 chapter 8 . 4/20/2018
A new chapter? Seeing this first thing in the morning made my day! It's a great chapter and I enjoyed reading it a lot. Made me reread a number of earlier chapters, in fact, when I really should have been doing something else. xd

This chapter had many great points, but two of my favorites were definitely Zoro vs Shining Knight (plus aftermath), and Batman chewing Superman out about Volcana. I freely admit that until Batman pointed out all the pitfalls of the solution Clark came up with I thought that dropping a villain of her type on a deserted island was a pretty smart idea. Good for all parties. Unharasssed
iluvfairytale chapter 8 . 4/20/2018
Not gonna lie... I made an embarassing noise when I saw the update lol~

I thought Captain Cold would be a wonderful addition. Now that I'm thinking about it, his humor/flirtatious attitudie, plus stealing while being semi-moral... perfect. Seriously, Flash villians are one of the more... harmless(?)
Rukz chapter 8 . 4/20/2018
Love it...
Will we ever see Zoro lost about while denying he is and maybe wonder on the league or the Robins or someone.
Will other One Piece characters be making an appearance.. I could see Sabo searching for them and maybe end up contacting them some way.
TheMaster4444 chapter 8 . 4/20/2018
Excellent! I'm so glad you included Shining Knight. Agreed that his stand against Eiling is one of the best moments of the show. Also very glad that you had Zoro act as Mihawk did to him. Curious to see if any One Piece techniques seep into the Justice League world.

You are doing a very good job of pointing out the flaws of the Straw Hats in this new world while also keeping them sympathetic. That balance is important and I think you are doing it wonderfully.

Can't wait for the next chapter!
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