Reviews for Justice |
Guest chapter 2 . 12/27/2017 It’s Black Leg Sanji! |
Wawv chapter 1 . 12/28/2017 I'm a bit surprised that they just attacked them like that, they weren't really doing anything illegal. |
Guest chapter 7 . 12/26/2017 Maybe you could do a future chapter where the straw Hats meet Lobo |
Guest chapter 7 . 12/25/2017 Damn I've miss this story so much. Thank you! |
sharingankakashi007 chapter 7 . 12/26/2017 Daymn Robin and Goth... Wew scary and creepy combo Glad i could read this Wanna see the leagues reaction to them saving kids Damn.. Joker's not gonna take this lying down Murder and misery, it'll be most likely a massacre If he isn't taken down fast Things are getting heated up Looking forward to reading more |
X-RedHawk-X chapter 1 . 12/26/2017 This is my Christmas present |
jmr46718 chapter 7 . 12/25/2017 As much as I like Sanji beating up the Joker for his abuse toward Harley and messing with food, I think he went too far. It was okay for him to break every bones in his body and rearranged his face into a frown. But he should've stopped with giving him a permanent frown and not removing his ability to laugh. He not only made the Joker possibly even more unstable than he already is but also guaranteed that he would be gunning for Harley because he most likely blame her for what happened to him. In his already-insane mind, Sanji took away his smile & laughter because Harley annoyed him into hitting her. On another note, I found it amusing when the female villains ended up dressing up as princesses for Halloween after being broken down by Luffy. I also found Maureen to be cute in this chapter like her reaction to the homework and the princess outfit. |
Speed Reader chapter 7 . 12/25/2017 Wonderful! I had wondered what happened to Killer Frost, thanks for filling in the blanks. |
OnePieceChaldea chapter 6 . 12/25/2017 Incredible chapter as always. Don’t really have more to say. Because my mind is to frazzled and I have been putting off this review for too long. See Ya! |
Guest chapter 6 . 12/25/2017 YES! I AM SO GIDDY TO READ NEXT CHAPTER! |
Guest chapter 7 . 12/25/2017 Great chapter, you once again find the perfect ballance between humor and a more serious tone whenever the situation demands it. |
Guest chapter 7 . 12/25/2017 Once again an awesome new chapter. Gothic Robin, Sanji making the Joker unable to laugh, Batman full of shadenfreude, the Straw Hats personal Fort Knox a.k.a. their fridge. Brilliant, just brilliant. Can't wait for your next update. |
Guest chapter 7 . 12/25/2017 Great chapter as always. On the topic of them joining the straw hats I can see some of them joining but I think most of them wouldn’t want to leave their world especially if they think the one piece work is as crazy as their allies. |
SilentXD7 chapter 7 . 12/25/2017 Amazing chapter keep the good work. Looks like the Joker final snaps and I have a good feeling he will try to get revenge on the Strawhats especially Sanji. I wonder if the new recruits will learn haki because I believe it be very interesting as well as awesome to see Solomon Grundy using armament haki. |
neah20 chapter 7 . 12/25/2017 Great chapter! |