Reviews for Justice
The Fall of Spring chapter 7 . 12/24/2017
I am more excited than I can justify being to see this chapter out.
Guest chapter 5 . 12/24/2017
You really love to shoehorn in that pointless feminist bullshit don't you. It's seriously jarring.

Cliched subtle feminist diatribe subtext aside, the story is palatable.
Owieeey chapter 7 . 12/24/2017
Man I love this fic. You have all their personalities right. It would be awesome for the villains to go to the strawhats world. I look forward to every chapter that comes out.
Clearwing Yuta chapter 7 . 12/24/2017
nice chapter
DigiXBot chapter 7 . 12/24/2017
Wow, looks like Joker got what he deserved. Take away his laugh and smile was a real punishment.
nightmaster000 chapter 7 . 12/24/2017
Another awesome chapter.

While it's always good to see Joker get his deserved karma, I think Sanji might have made a big mistake here. Because from the looks of things Joker is about to become even more crazier and dangerous than before since he can't smile or laugh anymore.
qindox chapter 3 . 12/19/2017
I too have some suggestions, if you're still taking them.
Since the story is still in JL timeline wise, maybe later Ace, the telepath that hates Cadmus, could be included?

Even if she isn't with the Strawhats, it would be great to see her in the story! She was so powerful but didn't really have much screen time and I think it would be fitting if she did join with the Strawhats like Permafrost, even give her a real name rather than that alias that Joker gave her.

You already included one bang baby but maybe some other female bang babies? But then again, I don't think any of the other female bang babies would fit.
qindox chapter 4 . 12/19/2017
I meant world-building for my previous comment, sorry about that
qindox chapter 5 . 12/19/2017
I really appreciate you addressing aspects of One piece that not many do: ie Sanji being a sexist, Robin's utter importance and skill in everything
People ignoring stuff like that is what usually turns me away from OP fanfics but I am so glad I read yours!
The amount of detail and lore you are including is great and I look forward to whenever (if) you continue!
qindox chapter 6 . 12/19/2017
I love that you included so many underappreciated DCAU villains/neutrals, and you just are earning so many brownie points with me for including obscure characters that I really love: Volcana and Permafrost being the highlights. And even touching up on their personalities/characters.
I actually squealed when I saw that Claire and Maureen were joining (_)/
Thanks for such a well-crafted DCAU xover!
qindox chapter 1 . 12/19/2017
let me just say that this story is everything I wanted in a DCAU crossover. Flippin' Thank you.
The DCAU is my main medium for enjoying DC and finding well-written thought out crossovers for it are almost impossible.
The basic concept of the two teams having different views on the idea of justice is already intriguing and attention-grabbing even if I didn't know much about either fandom.
The writing is smooth, flowing and well-done.
Everyone is in characters and you even included overbuilding for both worlds!
I really was dreading when I finished reading all of this.
Dauntes chapter 5 . 12/15/2017
I REALLY like your concept, I thought the premise and initial storyline were really creative and well done. I also admire your writing style quite a bit. I actually think you do a really good job of capturing the characters on both sides as well. I'm just not personally a fan of your execution. It's probably a clash with my personal biases, but I found myself getting mostly annoyed with the chapters up to here. That said, thanks for writing the story, it's just not for me. Take care! :)
Guest chapter 6 . 12/7/2017
A lot of people are asking this guy to update faster. You have to keep in mind that his chapters are considerably longer and higher quality than most other fanfic. If it takes a little while longer for him to update for this length and quality then so be it.
Guest chapter 6 . 12/5/2017
please update
Guest chapter 1 . 12/4/2017
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