Reviews for Justice
lorenzo52lara chapter 29 . 10/7
1. Will Baby Doll make an appearance and meet the Straw Hats or did that happen before?
2. Ra’s Al Ghul is in for a rough ride in meeting with the Straw Hats.
KHfan98 chapter 29 . 10/7
why do you keep making The Justice League look weak compared to The Straw Hats? in fact, you write most of the DC characters as weak compared to The Straw Hats, especially The New Gods, who are supposed to be as strong as Superman, it just makes me root for The Justice League who feel like the underdogs in this story despite your intentions, also i feel nothing for Poison Ivy's plight mostly because she is an evil witch who hasn't changed as far i can see and neither has Harley who is just annoying and still wants to rob people even after leaving The Joker permanently, which is a problem most "heroic" versions of Harley have these days
DeathCrawler chapter 29 . 10/7
great chapters look forward the next one's
simm36 chapter 29 . 10/7
Muy buen capitulo y me encanta como se aborda el transfondo de los personajes.
Cormin12 chapter 29 . 10/7
I dont think vandal savage could ever have been Vlad the impaler, seeing as that was a person who was born, sold as a slave, fought as a slave in a war and then ruled his kingdom and protected it with super long spears.
Jebest4781 chapter 29 . 10/7
Soon enough, we'll see how the Straw Hats will go up against the Justice Lords and I cannot wait to see how it'll occur. Also great way to wrap up the initial episode events. Will be great to see how this turned out.
CRUDEN chapter 28 . 10/7
Batman: I think I understand hom now
Batman: I don't understand him at all
fresh prince1 chapter 29 . 10/7
nice chapter
omegadramon2 chapter 29 . 10/7
I'm Guessing the scene at the end takes place before the event's that force Ra's to body jump into Talia that was Revealed in Batman Beyond

Looking forward to see what Ra's thinks of Luffy and his His Crew
Nai Darkor chapter 29 . 10/7
I just recently watched a short where Old!Batman got rejuvenated while Ras took over his daughter’s body.
R-king 93 chapter 29 . 10/7
Awesome chapter
Monster King chapter 29 . 10/7
Awesome work please continue the story it's incredible
BrianShooter672 chapter 29 . 10/7
Wow, never expect you to upload the part 3 earlier. But never less another great Chapter and as always I'm looking forward for the next Chapter in the Future.

1. I be damn, i knew Savage would be in complete denial went he find out Luffy is a total Idiot. But what gets him the most was Luffy point out the Stone who give Savage his immortality which left him dead inside of accepting the hard truth, he got bested by an imbecile.

2. And here i though the Authority were Hypocrites, but someone Justice League their let they Paranoia and Suspicious get them yet again. Usually people expect this from Batman but Wonder Woman? It won't be long until the Other league Screw up 'The Straw Hats' plans for solving world hunger... Again and this time Luffy and the UN will chew on their ass big time.

3. Damn, as if things couldn't get worse. Now Talia Al-Ghul is after The Stone of Immortality, as if The Lazarus Pit wasn't enough for her and her father. I hope Luffy find that rock and Destroy it, Chopper will be upset the most but he couldn't argued that it probably for the best rather for it to fall to the wrong hand. And i'm talking about the Supervillain with Superior Complex but also Power Hungry or Paranoia types like Amanda Waller or others ambitious US Government or Military or officials thinking about Immortality.

4. You know, maybe some Being from another Universe would visit the league and told him about the Straw Hats and the World their came from, maybe it would show those Hypocrites and Batman about their world from their past, what their have to endure that make them what their are. I bet even Superman, Flash and few others Superheros would feel sorry for them. While Batman and Wonder Woman feel disgusted by themselves thinking their had a hard life.

5. Also i agree with Luffy, Who wants to be immortal cause in the end. You wish your were dead, what point of living went you have no one to be your side.
LoveGlutton chapter 29 . 10/7
Talia going after vandal’s rock…. Oooh lord
Guest chapter 28 . 10/7
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