Reviews for Unshackled Route
Malhavoc Shadowlord chapter 13 . 4/30/2019
Shirou is going to use his Item Creation ability to totally cheese the Grail system, isn't he?
Deadzepplin chapter 13 . 4/29/2019
This is amazing.
Spicy scheming Shirou is best!
Guest chapter 13 . 4/3/2019
If Shirou does end up subverting the Grail to summon another servant plz let it be Ereshkigal. Shirou x Ereshkigal.
Gabriel2015 chapter 12 . 3/26/2019
Ahhhhh :) another masterfully done chapter very satisfying as well, very good cliffhanger too, perfect at keeping my(and others I hope) attention for a update. Well done. But I wonder what the new chapters bring, is Shirou going to subvert the Grail and summon another servant like Medea in Stay Night ? Is he going to find a way to not get sucked in to the Grail ? Perhaps tricking the Grail with some other form of mana? Will he find a way to stay with Ritsuka for a long time, forever? I hope so, the promise Shirou made to his master was lovely and heartwarming, hopefully they stay together and appear in other grail wars. Well great chapter and I happily await the next amazing chapter(s).I just love this story. I tried to post this review on chapter 13 but it didn't let me so now I'm posting on chapter twelve.
Vfsas chapter 13 . 3/18/2019
Great premise! Hope that you continue with it!
ReadersCantRead chapter 13 . 3/11/2019
Another story I've put off, saving it for a rainy day. Excellent development and eagerly awaiting the next chapter.

Thanks for the read.
sugoijack9 chapter 4 . 3/11/2019
SHIP SHIP SHIP Shirou x Enkidu :D
Gabriel2015 chapter 13 . 3/10/2019
Please please please pleaseeeee update!
D chapter 10 . 3/8/2019
damn those are some pretty good stats for a caster.
w4ndrr chapter 1 . 3/3/2019
This is one of the few fanfics where I actually enjoy the Story. You definitely have Potential and have worked hard to create this World. I respect that.

I'm wondering how will Arturia and Shirou interact (Romance chances?), though I can see Enkidu with Shirou as well.

The Chemistry between Gilgamesh and Shirou really fits in as Brothers (considering how i have a sibling myself). They take the piss out of each other while simultaneously complimenting each other. You fitted in Gilgamesh egoistical personality with his Brotherly concern perfectly (Tsundere much?).

Seeing Shirou becoming somewhat of a King was really satisfying as well.

I'm hyped to see Shirou's fight as a servant in the holy grail war given how his abilities seems to be broken/op as hell (1 anti-fotress & anti-world noble phantasm? gg). Though having Gilgamesh and Enkidu as his opponents seems to be right.

Anyways I'm hoping you will return to continue this Fic but I can understand if you have some reallife problems or task that takes priority.
Chama Chelo chapter 13 . 3/2/2019
I’m gonna cry if this gets abandoned
fatedfan chapter 13 . 2/27/2019
Please continue this i love it
Guest chapter 13 . 2/26/2019
Plz don't abandon this. This is probably one of the most creative and greatest stories I have read. Plz update to see how the Grail War will play out. And Shirou's Plan. And I'm either hoping for Shirou x Ereshkigal or at least Shirou x Enkindu...If Enkindu is an actual girl. :/ preferably the former Shirou pairing.
Huntsman331 chapter 1 . 2/25/2019
Please... In the name of all that's mighty, do not abandon this.
svolozhanin7 chapter 13 . 2/18/2019
Curse you St. Provena! I only just wanted my Shirou x Enkidu vanilla and fluff, but what I get was 13 chapters of not this! The closest thing I got was in chapter 7 when they trained! Also that cockblock at the end of chapter 8 with Shirou's death was the worst! Now that both of them(and Gill) are summoned in 4th Grail War there is now way there is going to be happy ending between them! Damn you! (T_T )
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