Reviews for One-Punch Ninja!
Guest chapter 18 . 1/1
Hahaha kisame and Itachi are so funny
HyroTheGodOfFiction chapter 18 . 12/19/2024
Hopefully you will continue this someday soon although I highly doubt you will considering its been 7 years since its last update.
HyroTheGodOfFiction chapter 6 . 12/19/2024
I can't Help but hear Kai's theme (from KFP3) when naruto entered Serious mode
reydrago chapter 18 . 12/1/2024
Wait?. did he just YEET her into Konoha? i can understand Saitama could do so, but that's kinda boring resolution of the conflict
Primus2021 chapter 18 . 11/22/2024
Something about Kisami's and Itachi's interaction made me think of a song. I have modified it to suit the 2.

Ita-chi-chi ch-ch-ch-ch-chi
Ita-chi-chi (GHOST KISAMI!) Yeeeah!

If there’s something strange, in your neighborhood...
Guess who it is? (GHOST KISAMI!)
Is it something weird? And it don’t look good...
Guess who it is? (GHOST KISAMI!) Here we go!

Chi-chi-chi-(You know you love me as a ghost)-chi

All right, yeah, come on, sing this! Clap! Everybody clap!
Ita-chi-chi ch-ch-ch-ch-chi

If all your things running through your head... Guess who it is? (GHOST KISAMI!)
AN Invisible man sleeping in your bed...
Guess who it is? Woo! Ghost Kisami! Come on, baby sing it!

Chi-chi-chi-(You know you love me as a ghost)-chi

Primus2021 chapter 15 . 11/22/2024
I wonder if Tayuya is an Uzumaki in this? And if Naruto saved Karin? Will they live with him and make Hinata jealous of his 2 distant female cousins?
Primus2021 chapter 14 . 11/22/2024
Not toads please!

Maybe all those monsters from OPM. Imagine Naruto summons Do-S and/or Mosquito Girl, and they call him Master in front of Hinata?
Primus2021 chapter 10 . 11/22/2024
So I had a thought about Naruto's "Chuunin Exam" team! Naruto, Halu and Yakumo or Fuu.

Also Shinzo x Fuu?

And, I just had a horrible thought that while Hinata was going all Yandere with her Byakugan and Jyuken on her "rival" in the academy, that she was singing this song... ... ...

Senpai, love me
Just turn your gaze away from that sleeze for me
I'm the only one you should see
Senpai, love me, I'll watch you through your window tonight

Senpai, love me, I'll torture any ugly girl who looks at you
You'd never guess what I'd do
Senpai, love me, I'll watch you through your window tonight

Oh I promise, they won't be missed
All those skanks, that you might've kissed
I'll come get you, and swear to be good
When I check of my rival list

Senpai love me, I want to make you happy
It's true, I do
My heart can only love you
Senpai love me, I'll watch you through your window tonight

Oh, senpai love me
I can't imagine her tragic end, your friend
You should give up on her then
Senpai love me, I'll watch you through your window tonight

Senpai love me, it doesn't matter who comes to say, no way
They won't live another day
Senpai love me, I'll watch you through your window tonight

You can run and, you can hide
There's no place I won't check inside
So just love me, if you could
Because sweet senpai, you are mine

Senpai love me, don't worry 'bout your family, I'm here for you dear
I'll make it perfectly clear
Senpai love me, I'll climb in through your window tonight

I'll sneak around your bedroom tonight
Love me tonight!
Primus2021 chapter 8 . 11/22/2024
So, Zabuza is now Speed of Sound Sonic...
Streetboi-NaSa chapter 18 . 11/22/2024
Update please?
ShadowRealmComics chapter 18 . 9/7/2024
LMFAO, I loved this story and want to see more when the time comes. Please finish this story.
KIVT chapter 13 . 7/8/2024
Kurama has to be laughing his ass off with this Naruto as a host. Especially when Shukaku only saw freedom for a few seconds.
Guest chapter 18 . 5/14/2024
update :(
DoneyTheKage chapter 8 . 11/17/2023
Shikaku gave Hiruzen an edible? That's wild
Anuart Tsui chapter 18 . 10/1/2023
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