Reviews for Harry Potter and the Critical Game
Chris Fox chapter 33 . 10/25/2024
I enjoy the story, I read it all over the corse of two days. I hope that there will be more chapters.
animenerd4296 chapter 15 . 4/5/2024
If you’re going to use “widdershins” instead of “anticlockwise,” then “deosil” would be more appropriate than “clockwise.” Unless it’s in line with a specific character’s mindset, switching between using older and newer terms can be disconcerting.
Latarra chapter 1 . 11/25/2023
Very good.
ChocoLollie chapter 33 . 4/30/2023
I'm kinda sad that over time it kinda just became a time travel fix it instead of the litrpg I thought it was meant to be
Primo The Fathomless Quasar chapter 17 . 2/10/2023
First of all, in Europe. You don’t tend to see a separation of the powers of government or checks and balances. You are confusing the United States system of checks and balances with the (mostly) European (and Canadian) parliamentary system. In which the people vote for a party and the legislature picks the prime minister.
Primo The Fathomless Quasar chapter 10 . 2/10/2023
Have you even read the damn the book! Harry’s name is NOT HAROLD, IT’S HARRY JAMES POTTER!
MyLifeIsUtterShit chapter 3 . 12/12/2022
:000 yasss, fix hogwarts! maybe harry can do something to help with the hogwarts houses?
era-romance chapter 16 . 9/22/2022
hurray hedwig!
era-romance chapter 9 . 9/22/2022
no hedwig?
Brezer chapter 14 . 9/6/2022
kind of disappointed so far. he was worried about being around kids with a 28 yr mentality and he's acting like a kid himself
zubhanwc3 chapter 33 . 7/11/2022
I like the story. bit of a fan of fix it up stories that are relatively interesting. and the gamer trope, as long as it's not using the 'system', or 'dnd', or going way over the top, to the point of turning other characters into mindless npcs, is one of my favorites. so this story is right up my alley. hope you decide to continue, as I'm interested in where it's going.

I'm assuming that the main reason for the changes, is likely due to number 14, or maybe a different one, but he's my first guess. he's involved in magical Europe, which would put him in contact with Grindelwald, and in turn Dumbledore. and potentially tom. he could've failed, or just died early, given that the changes that he's made have negatively affected canon, at least so far, and I'm Britain specifically. additionally, I'm assuming that the magical theory book that contradicted a bunch of other theories, is written by him.

lastly, I think that one of the other returnees might be fleur, as that would be a reasonable beacon of change in magical France, given that their are only a handful of magical countries, and promoting the concept of a veela being equal to a human across other countries by increasing her importance and impact
zubhanwc3 chapter 22 . 7/11/2022
huh. kinda wish that the chosen flower was a lily. would've been more poetic
asifzq24 chapter 1 . 5/17/2022
nice story hope you update
MoinLeute chapter 2 . 5/15/2022
whats up with that much useless stats? trying to fill chps with stats or what?
junkstories chapter 32 . 5/4/2022
I'm loving the story. Hope there will be more to it some day.
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