Reviews for The Spider
kirosyamcha chapter 52 . 2/6
Miles is too young probably, spider Gwen would make more sense.
Morrigan chapter 29 . 2/5
Okay so I know you are way beyond this point and I don't usually review anyways but you are amazing and this story is spectacular. This is probably one of if not my favorite mcu fic out there because of how much depth and complexity you bring to the characters. No one is really 2D and I just love it. So ignore everyone else saying its bad because its amazing and I can't wait to see where it goes.
kirosyamcha chapter 25 . 2/4
Why 2 years? People move out at 17 all the time lol
kirosyamcha chapter 7 . 2/3
Ahhh kinda hope he dates both MJ and Felicia, those 2 are some of the best girls in marvel
kirosyamcha chapter 4 . 2/3
im not sure a teens physical strength could even bruise spider-man with a punch lol.
Guest chapter 51 . 2/1
Holy fuck, that's a whole bunch of smut, bro had a pen in 1 hand and his tool in the other.
DemonWolf25 chapter 1 . 2/1
I think u need to go back through this chapter to fix some spelling errors. Its not everywhere but there are quite a few of them.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/31
This story is a fucking shit. From the beginning to the end.
Those who are reading this shit are mother fuckers.
"Your aunt is a MILF, exactly my type" wtf is the first chapter bro, is something wrong with you or what.
And not only just, his behaviour trough the story is childish, his comments when he is talking to a girl or a woman are like sexual harrasment, there are a lot of nonesense like having more than 1 billion followers, it's imposible to get that number, most of the social media doesn't have that much.

If you are expecting a good story, with a non childish mc and common sense, serious, a good plot, then don't waste your time in this shit.
Fiction Haven chapter 1 . 1/26
Why does it sound so childish? Am I wrong for expecting a superhero story to feel a bit mature?
Gridjo chapter 98 . 1/24
This is the most disgusting work I've ever seen. I read until chapter 59 for 20 hours for what? For the sake of seeing this shit? This is not a work, it's just a dumpster. I hope the author is already dead and won't keep posting this shit. I hope you break your arms and your jaw, you bastard, so you don't write this shit anymore.
carrotcakeisreallygood chapter 21 . 1/14
“My life was perfect” tempting fate dude
TomoShikii chapter 1 . 1/11
What a amazing story and you’ve cooked up, it keep me hooked thoughout the whole story! And I see it has been 4 years since the last update i hope you are doing well author, i also hope you can come back and continue updating this story but if not thank you for the experience and i wish you the best in life!
moosejuice5 chapter 21 . 1/11
I like this fic, but your numbers are sometimes so far off base it’s jarring, for example 1.2billion followers? That’s an insane number. That’s more than triple the actual amount of twitter users, and 15% of the entire world population.
On the same vein the Parker blood stuff would be worth farrr more than 20m if it worked as you described
KaiKaiRee chapter 98 . 1/10
HA! Should have expected a Variant of Hope from an offset timeline would be chosen.
asingh123 chapter 9 . 1/5
What would happen when a random old guy came into a kid's room and the kid have reflexes of Spider man and the guy has a gun

Believe me there is no such option called "talk" or "peace" ... The options will be how many bullets guy gets and if he survives...

This was so forced... I mean what would you do... And don't say his SS didn't went off... That is such a useless cop off... Heck even without SS... The guy would be thrown out of the room without saying a word...

The guy is a freaking asshole spy who is literally blind in one eye... But in reality totally blind.. which ur "SI" knows... Don't mix him up with the Legendary Actor...
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