Reviews for The Spider
Killerpickle chapter 44 . 9/9/2024
Ben isnt wearing rock armor he is literally a rock, similar to sandman in that his sould/being is contairnd in a single spec and the materail that makes up his body is just external.

Whats up with making reed never be competent i.e make something that doesnt blow up in proples faces then as well having the emotional maturity of a child
Killerpickle chapter 43 . 9/9/2024
I know youll probably never read this but if you ever come back to this storg You really need to fix the pricing on stuff like how much parker blood would actually net Peterthe FF, something like that would be worth billions just for the contract then not including fees related to actual use in products.

Another thing to fix is that Peter is Always in the thick of things he is one moment fighting aliens then the next while walking with friends out of costume always getting mugged…

Now with Felicity i would probably change it so that dhe doesnt Just leave and lie to Peter on what shes doing. Peter would be a lot more understanding if she told him that furry gave her a deal that she will free her dad but he woud like it if she went with him to help take down Hydra.
Peters reaction would still be almost identical but with what Felicity did, it was a complete betrayal of trust.

The inconsistancys in powers and abilitys
1. Natasha should never really be able to consista tly beat Peter in hand to hand combat, Yes she should be able to trip him up/beat him occasionally but Peter is superhuman he literally has the strength to just push against any throw, then theres the agility/speed which would make him to fast for her to react, sticking to surfaces he could literally just stick to the floor or Nat herself and not be able to be moved. Then theirs the Spider sense which is precog and will always give him a chance to move out of the way of danger the only time he cant is when its overwhelming/everywhere/or so fast he cant even move (interesting thing to note that in certain universes Peters precog is so precise he can dodge/predict things so far in advance he can practically look into the future- web of life stuff)
Killerpickle chapter 1 . 9/7/2024
Can you do a rewrite/come back and fix the grammer.
I love the story but the grammer is atrocious, it had such unique plot but it can be unbearable in parts
Niggers Hater chapter 98 . 9/2/2024
Know the full power of the Bitch side that flows in my veins, Let the bitch side fill in you, only when you can defeat me, use your anger, use your hatred, use your lust, they are the only weapons you can rely on right now in our sex battle. The true mind can weather all the lies and illusions without being lost. The true heart can touch the poison of hatred without being harmed. Since beginning-less time, darkness thrives in the void, but always yields to purifying of Bitch.
dastewie2012 chapter 24 . 8/5/2024
Literally no reason to not have taken the usb
dastewie2012 chapter 3 . 8/4/2024
Hmm so miles morales basically
dastewie2012 chapter 1 . 8/4/2024
Uncle ben a real one
Dretnuh chapter 68 . 8/3/2024
I really feel like he should be developing stronger psionic powers like his telepathy and telekinesis like just from being in constant close proximity with the mind stone.
Dretnuh chapter 54 . 8/3/2024
This is my second time reading this story. And I have to say Peter’s love life still makes me just a tad bit depressed. But I will also say knowing how the pairing ends up I think it’s cor the best. But also if you did want Peter to have a Harem or something, I think this story would have the most logical setup to it out of any harem story I’ve read. Like this is the only story with a multipairing that actually makes sense to me. Like this (minus the superpowers stuff) could actually happen in real life, even if it is much more likely not to, just the fact that it would potentially be possible in a real life situation even if it’s like 1% possible makes it infinitely better than any other story with a multipairing because in every other story I swear the girls like swoon and are in bed with the mc in like a chapter or two tops.
Riniko22 chapter 27 . 7/31/2024
Come on Peter, they were vampires, so you behead them or use a stake not electricity.
Soljenzoo1 chapter 98 . 7/30/2024
I love this, there are some spelling errors through out the story but this was a good read.
Riniko22 chapter 2 . 7/22/2024
Enjoyed the chapter, but noticed several spelling errors that would be caught with a spell checker. Still a good read as the plot was good.
Rendgar-blade00 chapter 98 . 7/1/2024
Hombre esta es oa 3ra vez que leo este fic y sigo esperando ojalá estes bien donde sea que estes
Niggers Hater chapter 92 . 6/30/2024
I'm not going to read your filth story.
Revan Emrys chapter 1 . 6/29/2024
So far not liking it
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