Reviews for The Spider
Revan Emrys chapter 1 . 6/29/2024
So far not liking it
Winter Metor chapter 98 . 6/28/2024
Hope you update soon
Guest chapter 98 . 6/23/2024
I positively loving this novel and am eagerly awaiting more author please keep up the good work!
uchiha-rune chapter 69 . 6/21/2024
I se… Im assuming you know about the original avengers, Odin and the previous phoenix avatar or whoever and the other old heroes. them being in a relationship
Guest chapter 56 . 6/20/2024
I positively live this entire series but warning there are a few people ripping it off on web novel just so you know. But please keep on writing author
uchiha-rune chapter 37 . 6/19/2024
I never knew docter strange was the soccer supreme
Guest chapter 1 . 6/18/2024
Another MC with a hero complex. Nothing special.
Spanner96 chapter 52 . 6/11/2024
Dropping it here. Spoilers.

Any power scaling so far is pointless because you just forget things or randomly empower the villains in ways that make every fight drag on. Enemies he beats come back after he supposedly gets several times stronger but he somehow does worse against them than he did previously? It’s a complete joke.

My issues with how you write romance persist. You can never seem to decide where you want to take it so there is no continuity. You jump back and forth between platonic feelings, lust and love as you deem fit without even trying to make sense of it. He is smitten with Gwen and they hook up but then you outright say they are just relieving tension, then a couple lines after that he has some actual feelings for her and they exchange numbers to continue whatever that is… then in the next scene he screws Jessica and asks her out on a date. All while still supposedly hung up on Felicia. I can only assume your entire knowledge of dating comes from shitty harem anime, and even they are more fleshed out than whatever you have written here.

Lastly, the world building. You just keep adding more and more to it without properly establishing previous additions, and without properly connecting them with those previous additions.

Long story short… world is a mess, action is a mess, romance is a mess and character development is a mess.
Spanner96 chapter 52 . 6/11/2024
He shouldn’t be struggling against Connors, and he shouldn’t be so terrified of the idea of Green Goblin either. Both of them were defeated by almost completely green Peters who only had basic spandex suits… whereas this Peter has extensive training, a tonne of experience, actually trains his body, has genetic enhancements on top of his initial spider powers one of which being Wolverine’s physicality and healing factor, AND he has a suit of comparable quality to the Avengers’ Peter with even more upgrades. Oh, and magic. Oh, and he actually knows not to hold back.

At this point he should be capable of keeping up with Thor even if he’d probably still lose. He should be as strong as a god, but he’s losing to a villain that arguably the weakest iteration of Peter beat?
Spanner96 chapter 30 . 6/10/2024
… and of course you decide to develop the thing with Susan in the worst, most dramatic and random way possible, somehow both making my previous comment seem stupid while still doing exactly what I said you have been doing.
Spanner96 chapter 30 . 6/10/2024
Putting aside the nonsensical plot to force drama… why is every other relationship so flaky? MJ has been crushing on him from the start and you have started fleshing that out multiple times only to abandon it and have her liking someone else out of nowhere. First it was Harry, multiple times over, now it is this Mark guy. You keep hinting at things with Susan and Natasha that never go anywhere, the latter somewhat making sense but the former being silly… either have it develop or stop having Susan get seriously turned on by him in one scene only to have no romantic or sexual feelings for him in the next. Jessica was just dropped, and even the thing with Jean is stupid because you make it seem like they have genuine feelings for each other but in execution it is purely sexual.

I am not suggesting a harem route, I just want some continuity. Some consistency. It reads like you plan each chapter as you go with no real forethought or consideration of past developments, like you are just writing whatever you think is most interesting at that time whether it be sex, romance, angst, anger, action or whatever else no matter how out of place it is.
Gara Kyosuke chapter 63 . 6/4/2024
I do badly wanted to like this story. You must have some weird ideas of love or have been in some really toxic relationships to write the characters like this. You may as well made this a comedy about goofing around in the Marvel universe. I'm half convinced that if Thanos does show up it's just going to be 30 chapters of Peter whining followed by Thanos being thrown in minimum security space jail just so he can break out. Then you can write another 30 chapters of crying about how it all went wrong despite having good intentions.
Absolute Hatred chapter 98 . 6/3/2024
hello, i hate you and everyone
dybre23 chapter 98 . 6/1/2024
hi author i dunno if you're still here but someone is word by word plagiarizing your work on Webnovel saying he is trying to rerwrite this masterpiece then continuing and even had the gall to create a ptreaon for advance chapter when all that he is doing is splitting the chapters in 4 parts or more, as of this moment it has 98 chapters but its only up to chapter 18below here
cameron1812 chapter 98 . 5/29/2024
Honestly such a fantastic work of imagination and deep canon knowledge and fun. Thank you for this!
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