Reviews for RE: We Defeated the Devil King, But Now Our Daily Life is Compromised
Diego778123 chapter 1 . 9/18/2024
Hi, I was interested in your story, I wanted to ask permission to upload it to Wattpad and translate it?
Chloe chapter 47 . 8/8/2024
MAN I’M SO GLAD I SPENT TWO DAYS BINGE READING THIS! I’m very impressed with not only how well you write the characters’ distinct voices but also the actual plot was so hilarious and cool! Not to mention that the Konosuba party is still as idiotic yet charming as ever! Thank you for writing this! I had a blast!
Hainz Leonard Kim chapter 47 . 8/1/2024
I… really happy reading this fic, it’s honestly a solid fic, the start was bumpy at first but as you became better I can feel myself be amazed by how you manage to capture the insanity of the story. I even had those laugh moments and sad moments in some.

I manage to relate to the story well and pretty much seeing a story where Kazuma actually became cool was nice.

The kazumin ship was also pretty great, I personally appreciate that you captured the ability of novel writers to delay the loveydovey scenes to the end. You captured the konosuba feel while also adding a bit more content and You used the other back ground characters well.

The expand of the world was fairly fun too.

This scratched my Konosuba itch after I finally finished reading the main series.

A bit annoyed how it ended way too quickly and It lacked the old feel of adventure but I suppose it makes sense since kazuma was already successful.

Moving on I’d like to thank you for your hard work, I’m currently reading IRL dungeon as well and I’m personally happy to see updates and I thank you for giving this wonderful a nice and wholesome ending.
dixonjason403 chapter 1 . 7/4/2024
i mean they could...just wait 6 years(or however many until iris is an adult) to get married, right? if this is the excuse the author is gonna use to try to dodge the issue its kinda...lazy.
nhehvnukl chapter 17 . 6/2/2024
I just noticed the "pick a bone" joke, nice
Deleting.This.Account.Hm chapter 45 . 7/24/2023
I take back my words
haystack51 chapter 47 . 4/10/2023

thank you for the story! I've been taking a lot of long transit trips lately, and while I usually find them very boring, I started to look forward to them as I could read this. thank you.
marleneminervapotter chapter 1 . 2/23/2023
3a jjq. i. o o. jo. . o
marleneminervapotter chapter 1 . 2/23/2023
9b CV. q o jq. q. d j. j. j. b j a. q. as. oa. u .a a. j jq. oa c1. q. x a. o all. a. à q
Armasyll chapter 47 . 1/2/2023
Just finished reading this over the course of a month v:
i loved it :V
JJCMJ chapter 47 . 6/9/2022
One of the best Fics. Thank you for giving this to us
zekses chapter 28 . 6/3/2022
wait, let me guess, it's the boots and the cloak brainwashing him into being too smooth for his own good
ThatRabidPotato chapter 1 . 1/23/2022
Honestly disappointed in what's such a popular story. Really seems like you only gave the characters the barest possible surface reading. There's more to them than the memes.
Niralam chapter 47 . 1/22/2022
This is possibly the best fanfiction I've ever read. You did a great job making your own version of Konosuba. It's so well done that sometimes I feel like I'm reading the actual Konosuba novel but it's still clearly its own thing. All the main cast very fleshed out and all got their time to shine which is great. Also its the only fanfiction (not including one shots or really short stories) I've read that actually reached an ending, not to mention a very satisfying ending. That's very rare in fanfiction and I'm really glad you got to this point.

The only minor nitpick I have is that I wished there was one more chapter. Now that they can travel between worlds I wished that was explored a bit more. Like his family coming to the other world or something else. That's actually what I was expecting when I saw there was one more chapter left so the ending was a bit abrupt when I realized the next chapter was an afterword chapter. Maybe you should have included the afterword in the last chapter instead of putting it in another chapter.
*End spoiler

But it really didn't bother me that much aside from it catching me off guard a bit. I wanted to put more reviews but I couldn't help going to the next chapter immediately each time since it was so good and I wanted to keep reading.
This is fanfiction definitely gets 120 on the explosion scale!
Niralam chapter 42 . 1/22/2022
This was a surprisingly epic fight for a konosuba fanfic. Genuinely did not expect that. But then again each season of konosuba also ended with an epic fight so it's fitting I guess. Great job.
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