Reviews for Unlimited Bandanna Works
Mariegrey90 chapter 17 . 2/7
Your story truly resonated with me, and I couldn’t help but imagine how incredible it would be as a comic. As a commission based digital artist with a focus on comic collaborations, I believe your work would translate beautifully into this medium. If you’re interested in bringing this idea to life, feel free to contact me on Discord (danban1247275) or Twitter ( Mariegrey90).
Vinay-kox01 chapter 1 . 2/3
I came across your work "Unlimited Bandanna Works" and love the depth and diversity of the characters and world I believe it would make a fantastic comic and I’d love to help bring it to life

I’m an experienced commission artist specializing in adapting stories into comics If you're interested we can discuss the details, pricing and payment methods in a straightforward and professional manner

Discord: graphic_gold
Twitter: VKox139175
Instagram: vinaykox1

Looking forward to hearing from you!
Antipo chapter 17 . 1/24
You capture the late manga Ranma- Ryoga dynamic pretty well. Regardless of any other issue they have each others backs. As Ranma points out, if they survive they'll be too changed to fit back in Nerima regardless. I'm genuinely curious to know how they will end up.
A17 chapter 17 . 1/14
ijpowers92 chapter 17 . 1/9
I am so annoyed with myseof for not noticing this updated sooner.

It is one of my favorite ongoing fanfics.

And damn, Illya just won the war for Ranma without lifting a finger.
Which, considering Zouken's motivation, is fittingly ironic.
Dalke320 chapter 17 . 1/2
Things are all coming together! I am atill hoping for a tornado finisher! With ryouga running hotter than normal it will be a sight too see.

Illya doesnt quite understand Ranma, shirou and co. But i think she will learn. Ranma can be fairly pragmatic so my hope for a Ranma/Illya ship should still be on the table! It cerrainly wont be a calm ship by any means, but very interesting!

Rin has a plan, and it involves sleeping with Emiya, who she doesnt have a crush on at all. In a purely professional manner, and only so she can save her sister. Right.

Lancer is just kinda along for the ride and looking forward to the fight. Saber is recieving absolution(?) for her percieved failures in the last war. While illya is just wandering why these wackjobs want to make everything more dangerous and lack self preservation. While for Ryouga’s its business as usual, he is after all lost and confused.
Mr. Haziq chapter 17 . 1/1
Nice to see Ranma and Ryoga be friendly

I just thought of something that never gets addressed in any canon; do transplants affect the Magic Circuits? Like, if Ranma got an arm transplant, would the damage from his magic circuit transfer over?

The Ripple story is certainly interesting.
essex2 chapter 17 . 1/1
Some nice plot developments this time, and I look forward to seeing how their plan does (and doesn't) end up working.
SentinalSlice chapter 17 . 12/31/2024
Lancer not killing Caster like he did with Kirei after the command seal usage is what’s surprising to me. I feel robbed in that extra.
It’s been so long since I’ve read this story, does Shirou have EMIYA’s arm here?
flairina chapter 17 . 12/31/2024
We are headed for some interesting timeline convergence hullabaloo, aren't we. *Something* in the ripple route will be affecting the one most of this fic has been on, at least, or at least explain something we'd otherwise have no context for. Interested to see what that is; I can't guess right now. Similarly, no idea what that first contingency is, nor the second - not knowing Fate lore in-depth enough hurts me there I suppose. ; Lots of good conversations though! And Ranma being thrown out the dojo is... well, as he himself said, kind of only to be expected; can hardly imagine him going back to the standard routine after all this and all, and *especially* if they do blow up the Greater Grail and get every invested magus family collectively pissed at them for it. So it goes~
Noies chapter 16 . 9/4/2024
alright, Ryouga is back! I was worried that we'd lost our last chance for Ryouga/Ranma fanservice. If Ryouga and Ranma don't at least sleep together it won't be a very authentic fate story.

his oni horns... they need 'mana' you see... and only ranma's 'mana' is compatible. So they have to have sex, those are the rules.

or at least hug/kiss/give each other hickeys.

but more seriously I'm surprised I didn't get an email about this getting updated, I guess I must have blocked on my email :P

Nice to see this is continuing, although this latest chapter confused the hells out of me. although I think I understand the gist of it.

thanks for the update it was fun to read.
Orochimaru chapter 1 . 5/1/2024
Naruto is better than Ranma.
Chavo del 8 chapter 16 . 2/25/2024
I love crossovers.
Syqadelic chapter 16 . 2/18/2024
"If your father and you had submitted to lifelong torture, maybe your despised family wouldn't have taken my sister."

I see Rin has fallen to hysterics.
Queen Bee chapter 1 . 2/12/2024
Have you read "A Fractured Blossom" by weebee?
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