Reviews for Darkest Violet
Blackheart7272 chapter 4 . 2/11/2022
Deathstar... I've heard this before...
Blackheart7272 chapter 2 . 2/11/2022
I am amused
Blackheart7272 chapter 1 . 2/11/2022
I like it
Blackheart7272 chapter 3 . 1/17/2022
Onekit Twokit Redkit Bluekit
Sparkelestar chapter 2 . 11/23/2017
Aww i seeed yu got sum bad reveews im sprry! Ppl revee bad on my store to y yhey soooo meen! Ur store is 2god 4 all this hats!
Sparkelestar chapter 1 . 11/23/2017
Fluffypaw chapter 3 . 8/5/2017
Good story!

Why are two cats both expecting Brokensoul's

Can you put in my character?

Name: Fluffypaw
Warrior Name: Fluffyfeather (after Dreamfeather)
Appearance: Fluffy pure white she-cat with beautiful blue eyes
Rank: Apprentice

Can she be Dreamfeather's first apprentice, please? Or Dreamfeather's kit?
neonrainbowkawaii chapter 4 . 8/6/2017
Its good but there are a few things that should b fixed! I dont want to be mean because on my fic people are mean to me so i can relate to you bein sad.

But anyway things r going a bit fast so you might want to write more about dreamfeathers life when there arent a lot of bad things happening. Also some of the names are a bit strange but im sure you have a good reason 4 it. But keep writing andignore the hatters and im sure your fic will be great!
CardassianTrekkie chapter 4 . 8/5/2017
Ok, I'm kinda laughing. Dreamfeather has to warn her clan 'b4' it's too late?
B4 !?
Girl (or guy), answer me seriously. Is this a trollfic?
CardassianTrekkie chapter 3 . 8/5/2017
Guys I...
I think I see a trollfic.
BTW, it's a good story concept but fix the spelling. I mean, I myself suck at spelling, but hey. We do have auto-correct now.
One last thing. Moon is an ok prefix because Bluestar's mom's prefix is moon. People say it's a mistake but if it is why is a recall not issued and new books printed with a fix name? Yeah no. Moon is fine.
Overall, I'll keep an eye on the story. Wish you luck.
Pm when you want.
AviRay chapter 1 . 8/3/2017
I hope this at least gets better as we go along. I hope so.
Piearon chapter 1 . 8/3/2017
Seriously mate, I agree whole heartedly with ColouredKittens. Your spelling truly is awful, you really need to use some form of spell checker. If English isn't your first language, don't use English.
unavailable.101.goodbye chapter 1 . 8/2/2017
Um, so. Few things.

One: spelling. Spell check is in most programs (including copy paste method on Fanfiction) and this is kind of lacking in that area...
Two: Names. The majority of these are, not good. Think of things in the natural world (i.e. Plants, Colors, Other Animals). Dragons are not in the natural world, but rather myth. Certain prefixes are off limits as well (Moon and Star). Moon is not to be used at all. Or human terms (Kawaii, car, egg, etc). And don't make the names so blunt and obvious about the character. Stillpool is not a good name at all.
Three: be careful of making a Mary Sue or Gary Stu! (Look it up if you don't know what it is). Don't make characters too beautiful or too powerful or be just all around perfect. Or terrible at everything. Balance good and bad traits out.
And Four: if this is a trollfic, please stop. This is rude to writers who work hard for their stories-not to mention it is against the rules. So if it is a troll, stop.

Hope this helped! (If you need a beta (editor), I'll happily give my assistance! Just send me a PM)