Reviews for Memories
shesupershy chapter 17 . 10/12/2024
i can tell you are a huge teen wolf fan just by the 3 quotes ive read loll i love it
alwaysgonnadance chapter 8 . 5/31/2024
Hi! This is like, 6 years after you finished, but I love this story! It is so cute, and it is something I stay up till one reading! If you ever come by and read these reviews, I hope you see mine because I want you to know you were and are a very talented writer! You've wrote more words than the thickest Harry Potter Book! You did awesome, and I hope you're still writing!
Guest chapter 20 . 5/22/2024
This is the best fanfiction I have ever read, I literally cannot stop reading it! Thank you for writing and you have serious talent. :)
Twilightluver3 chapter 1 . 3/31/2024
this will always be my favorite fanfiction book. I cried like sooooooooo many times and I JUST LUV THIS SO MUCH plz keep writing and I will keep reading Ur actually such a good writer I wish u luck in ur future endeavors
Lotta love , Twilightluver 3
Guest chapter 35 . 2/23/2024
How are you so good at writing! I cried so many times when I was reading this chapter. You should write a book!
Marie-Beatrice Leduc chapter 10 . 8/28/2023
I LOVE Lemonade Mouth!


Kim Sabe chapter 36 . 8/18/2023
Please where can I find part 3 of this book
Kimberly Smith chapter 21 . 8/16/2023
Bored Reader chapter 4 . 7/25/2023
Percy's POV was hilarious! Can't wait to go on reading!
Bored Reader chapter 2 . 7/25/2023
Amazing! I really, really love this book! You're such an amazing writer, seriously.
Bored Reader chapter 1 . 7/25/2023
Hi! This is certainly one of the best fanfics I've ever read! Great job on the story, can't wait to read more!
Guest chapter 30 . 7/19/2023
is the Lacey the same Lacy in the aphrodite cabin who told Piper about Drew?
Guest chapter 22 . 7/18/2023
WOW! I LOVE the mall scene! just imagine the faces of the people at the mall ;D
Guest chapter 7 . 7/15/2023
aww...I LOVE that horse symbolisim, simile, or something! its even relatable in cannon, and he can literally speak horse! :D
allistair5335 chapter 30 . 7/12/2023
I am absolutely loving Annabeth these last few chapters, I just love that she's getting confident and stood up to Percy and on behalf of that young girl to Rachel
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