Reviews for Rain in the Desert
gryphan.master900 chapter 3 . 5/21
This has the potential to be novel length following Harry as he learns fighting, rulership and politics and marries Elia and makes Rheanys his heir, a brand new castle on some fertile and easily defended valley or something would do well. Harry would be happy to make her his heir and they can hide out and pretend Elia Martel and her kids just disappeared from history.

This has so much potential, it's a shame it's so short.
Redwing1co chapter 3 . 4/19
Very interesting story concept and mingling 9f both genres hope to read more of it
winniesm chapter 1 . 3/10
Elia sounds incredibly ungrateful and very unlikeable. He saved her and her kids from getting murdered and still asks can I trust you? Why on earth would he save her from the Lannisters in Kings Landing to betray her elsewhere?
spelledink chapter 3 . 2/27
Great crossover. Wish it was longer. I liked the relationship growing between Elia an Harry. Thanks, for a fun read!
Reaper1990 chapter 1 . 2/2
Hands down this story needs a sequel. Please.
MF chapter 3 . 12/29/2023
The Elia Harry ship always brings quite interestings stories and this one is no exception. Hope you continue it.
ennismatthew12 chapter 1 . 12/9/2023
He saved her and her kids yet she demands shit and threatened him if he does not answer and harry the simp just smiles like his got downs. What a truly ungrateful bitch and a beta mc just makes it hard to even look at
Mikazombie98 chapter 3 . 11/29/2023
Loved it really interested in seeing what changes are made
Babboy chapter 1 . 9/12/2023
Characters are annoying
alefrosier chapter 3 . 6/26/2023
A pity it doesn't have more chapters it's a good story, at that time in got Ashara and Elia are the best characters, the pace is nice the character building is good so far without much backstory for Harry which suits a lot in this case in Specifically, the romance developed quickly but again in this case it makes sense with everything Elia has been through and Harry seeing a beauty on this level along with the kids it makes sense for him to fall in love with her quickly for Ashara to consider what it might be a constant lover and even a second wife.
Guest chapter 3 . 4/10/2023
i love this pleasee more
monkiepawn chapter 2 . 3/25/2023
Bah, who cares if it was kidnapping or not. Because if he seduce Lianna, then he was a pedophile seducing a 10 years younger kid in her 14 when he was already married and with childs. Also wanting to secure the kingdom his father was destroying, by his crazy action he separate it by making 3 kingdom declare war.
Really, never understood the love for him or any Targaryen... If I was Jon Snow and knew the truth, I would prefer to keep the Snow name before the pyromaniac inbreed crazy f*ckers.
Jollygreen98 chapter 3 . 2/6/2023
oh wow you can't end it here... so well written, would love to see more.
Mitsuniyu Hiroyashi chapter 3 . 2/3/2023
I'd like this adaptation across so I don't know how to say it but this is very well written I love the plot of it
iiNeo chapter 3 . 1/15/2023
This is one of your weaker stories bro. Harry just doesn't have any backbone at all. Anything he's asked he just does it immediately and when he gets rightfully upset when someone intentionally irritates him he apologies for it as if he's in the wrong... It's mad.
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