Reviews for Yuletide Blessing
Mauricio Cuellar chapter 16 . 6/14/2024
Es muy bueno autorización pronto
kyuki619 chapter 16 . 4/30/2024
Please do continue this! I am dying to see what happen next~
Guest chapter 4 . 2/4/2024
It should be "...none of our laws ARE breached."
Guest chapter 1 . 9/7/2023
...the feels are there man

Also, great on the Weasley situation, not making then psychotic, just jealous because they look good
Guest chapter 12 . 4/10/2023
The bossy tone on Harry to dumbledore is highly aggravating, j can understand why Harry was talking to dumbledore that way but it is a little too much
brigrove chapter 4 . 4/4/2023
Eyeglasses for children have been free of charge in Britain since 1948
Crazygemini26 chapter 11 . 4/1/2023
nice way to ruin the story, I'm not even gonna bother and finish it
Crazygemini26 chapter 11 . 4/1/2023
it was all good till u decide to bring the need to weed other girls
Guest chapter 2 . 12/13/2022
Приятно читать
coul532003 chapter 9 . 12/1/2022
Just want to say how much I enjoy your stories. They are interesting and well-thought-out, without being overly rushed. I understand taking the same starting sequence and tweaking the rest of the story a little to achieve a different outcome, and especially that it is not necessarily consistent with canon. There are not enough story lines in the books, although there are many, to achieve differences with every author.
I find myself frequently returning to your stories for entertainment, especially after trudging through some of the more wordy stories of other authors.
arata7kasuga chapter 12 . 11/19/2022
does he not trust Hogwarts to keep her safe?
arata7kasuga chapter 10 . 11/19/2022
I absolutely adore how fluffy and loving these two are towards each other. their relationship is so heartwarming and wholesome:3
arata7kasuga chapter 11 . 11/19/2022
didn't the goblins explicitly say Harry could make do with one wife and just name his kids after different houses?;Also, isn't Luna just one year younger than Harry? how is she too young? Maybe for marriage but not for a relationship. also, why does Tracey being confident or not matter,? both Hermione and Harry also have insecurities after all.
Linda chapter 16 . 10/26/2022
Very good story
tyrannicpuppy chapter 11 . 8/6/2022
Ah Luna. You're always a treat, popping up out of nowhere.
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