Reviews for Fate Zero: Sword's Redemption
Saif Omar chapter 33 . 8/17/2022
I am probably reading too many doujinshi recently but I can't help thinking what if the police officer was a Hentai Protagonist. Zouken would probably stay in that office lady's body and become a sex craving whore. Cambrian Beckett already wrote a smut fic like that in this website for Kibutsuji Muzan from Demon Slayer. Maybe someone can commission him to write one for this story?
Shiranai Atsune chapter 33 . 8/8/2022
So glad that there's more of this!
Blue Glass Spear chapter 33 . 8/5/2022
My minor nitpicks aside. I do wonder how this whole war will play out. Shirou is going to eventually learn who Caster is and what he did. Kiritsugu may learn he is just sacrificing his wife for no real gain (lol never trust wish granting devices) and I think the only reason Caster needs help is because he hasn't ever tried projecting Avalon (i assume he should at least know Avalon can block Ea).

Regardless I can see this whole thing going to shit and that is fun to see.
Blue Glass Spear chapter 30 . 8/5/2022
You keep using slur for curse words... thats not the same. A curse word has no were near the negative vitriol of a slur.
Blue Glass Spear chapter 2 . 7/27/2022
Going to be real reading "trigger warning" in a story after Twitter turned that into a joke last year is kind of cringe. I can blame that on hindsight
AmanoRyo chapter 33 . 7/10/2022
Fuc why won't that bug die!
1.6180339887498948482045868 chapter 33 . 7/9/2022
awesome story. as for happy endings, as long as shirou, sakura, and kariya are happy, that's good enough. I don't see why'd you give kariya a bad ending.
Ths chapter 33 . 7/4/2022
Sola-Ui I don’t think she’ll be able summon servant I know their case with false and true assassins but that was completely different case.

Thought as long as Sola still alive this take away killing master option well sort of.
Tincho Arevalo chapter 33 . 6/30/2022
Uff se extrañaba el fic, seguí así bro
W8W chapter 33 . 6/30/2022
Very solid chapter.

Kiritsugu and Saber talk being postponed to save girls make perfect sense from both of their characters.

It is not shown on Emiya side yes but attitude toward wife is one of more important difference between him and Kotomine so it is good that priest remember her here.

Sola-Ui surviving decimation of Lancer team and planning vengeance is interesting plot line. Ironically it is exactly that situation that Kiritsugu try to avoid. Oh the irony of him creating it and not knowing. She even gets command seal, I see this as believable but wonder if it was automatic or Avenger help her seeing her rage. Still I wonder what she will do with it. All servants have masters and I don't see them wanting to change them. All seven was already summoned so she can't summon more. I knew that in FSN True Assassin was summoned but it was Zouken he was brain behind summoning servants to HGW (other families contributed grail and land). Actually now that I think about it maybe he will join forces with Sola-Ui and they will use Berserker to summon other Berserker like it was done with Assassin and True Assassin.

Matou return was done well, by this I mean sensibly and creepy. So for now he look like his victim. Make sense he don’t have energy to waste on non essentials. Still I wonder if he will change look before end of this story.

Detour was nice but I am happy that we return to Caster and Shirou.
Christopher chapter 33 . 6/30/2022
Hmm, you know what might be a really fun vs to put in this story, but would probably be impossible for the narrative? Kirei Kotomine AND Kiristugu Emiya vs Caster. Like I said, probably impossible.
RegulusCetus chapter 19 . 6/30/2022
That ending scene was great.
cryyyonz chapter 33 . 6/30/2022
I really appreciate the update!

I can only guess with this chapter marking the end of Saber vs Lancer arc, this story is now halfway through from being complete, well, at least I think so... unless Caster would be hunted by teamed up masters by the order of Tokiomi through the church.. idk I just pulled this shit outta my ass wondering the possibilities lmao

anyways, again, thanks for the update and see you on the next chappie!
javi30 chapter 33 . 6/30/2022
Very good
Keep writing
qhamoch chapter 32 . 6/30/2022
Its terrifying that the curse really came true
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