Reviews for Angel on my Shoulder
jimmy.oz chapter 3 . 4/20/2023
Pretty good so far needs updates though.
jimmy.oz chapter 1 . 4/20/2023
Seems interesting that is for sure. wonder when he will realize he has a quirk though lol. and that she is number one. needs updates though.
enmmar chapter 1 . 4/9/2023
you know this hurts to read not becus its bad writen but beccus i feel her feelings and its just sad
javierteoriasfanfic chapter 1 . 2/25/2023
me da un poco de enojo con su Quirk. ella preocupada con salvar a personas y no se preocupa de salvar a su portador. y por culpa de ella sufrio aƱos pensando que no tenia Quirk. en mi opinion fue un fracaso. le fallo en ser la heroina para el.
Mernom chapter 23 . 2/20/2023
Did you retcon Nana's Quirk back to being 'Float'? I believe you mentioned that it's super strength early on.
Mernom chapter 20 . 2/20/2023
I'm surprised Nezu didn't pull the 'it's your own fault' card. Not even once.
Mernom chapter 18 . 2/19/2023
And there we go. Even if the background details change, the stations or Canon are still in play.
Mernom chapter 17 . 2/19/2023
Should stopping further Quirk evolution really prevent any more Ascended from happening? It's already at the stage where such things are possible. Or is evolution potential an active requirement for new ascensions?

So far, while the overarching plot changes in the background, the actual events haven't changed much at all. Still going on through the same stations of Canon, even taking the Gran internship despite many more options being available. Once we get to the Eri arc, continuing on the same path will no longer be possible, but that's still a while away.

As far as ships go, I think Ochako is so far the least viable gf potential partner. She's literally in last place to nearly every other possible character. Hell, I'd wager them even MONOMA is a more compatible partner atm than Ochako. She did nothing to warrant her being a leading candidate.
Mernom chapter 7 . 2/15/2023
There is no inherent issue with OC'S. Any issue associated with them can just as easily happened to Canon/import characters (something I like to call 'OC's in all but name', since the only thing they share with their source is their description). The important factors that make a good OC are the same ones that make a good Canon character. It takes a bit more effort, though, since you can't lean on Canon info. As long as the characters are well written, and progress the story well, I couldn't care less if they're OC's.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/25/2023
This is very strange...

Which is GREAT! I really like strange and unique BNHA fics, since the universe has so much flexible potential.

One of these days I'll use the randomizer on the superpower wiki, and as soon as I have one that is somewhat workable (omnipotence is not interesting), write a fic where that is Izuku's quirk.
dariofort chapter 23 . 1/11/2023
I think a pair of chapters before, Mei quoted the way of kings; the shenanigans of "the broken", they are based on the way investiture works in the cosmere of Sanderson isn't?
Cobalt027 chapter 3 . 1/4/2023
Just that first one of and my head already read the okama in terminators voice.
Zer0theHedgehog chapter 3 . 1/3/2023
I am Heavy Weapons Guy and this is my weapon. She weighs one hundred and fifty kilograms and fires two hundred dollars, custom dual cartridges at ten thousand rounds per minute. It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon for twelve seconds.

OH HA HA AH HA snort HO HA HA...

Oh my god, who touched Sasha?! Alright, who touched my gun!?

Some people think they can outsmart me...Maybe...*sniff*...Maybe... I've yet to meet one that can outsmart boolet.

[Minigun blaring]

Wahhh!...WAHHHH!...Ha ha ha ha!...Cry some more!...

Heh...Cry some more...
Guest chapter 13 . 12/22/2022
That's it for me. All the endless angsty bullshit killed my interest. Occasional amount is fine but it got to be never ending.
Guest chapter 11 . 12/22/2022
This is getting boring. Too much time spent on little shit that doesn't matter and nothing about the really important stuff like All for One and company.
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