Reviews for Unforced Error
HermSev chapter 23 . 6/3
Amazing story! Thanks for sharing.
Aline Snape chapter 23 . 10/14/2023
Congratulations! A surprising and happy ending for the Order! Your writing is very good, which captures your attention and moves you with each chapter. Unlike all the other fanfics I read, about Malfoy's death, Minerva's discovery that the two were in love, and the location of the battle not being at Hogwarts.
Snapefan1983 chapter 23 . 8/7/2023
Malfoy manors does not exist as burn by firefly or whatever it’s called as since horxors can be destroyed by firefly then surely that would be destroyed too and how can the Snape be at Malfoy manor if the manor doesn’t exist any more ?

Ron and Harry stared down at the map. Ron read out, "Gringott's...Hogwarts, that one I didn't see coming...Malfoy Manor, that'll be the snake… And…" His brow furrowed.
Snapefan1983 chapter 12 . 8/7/2023
Why doesn’t she just tell fake information like a fake useless spell or information sue found in the library that has nothing to do with what she really found ? To save their lives ?
LittleBabyBambi chapter 2 . 6/10/2023
No magic in the room. Well things are about to get interesting
LittleBabyBambi chapter 1 . 6/10/2023
Great start!
Diarrhoea Verborum chapter 23 . 6/5/2023
Amazing story! And yes, I read it twice:)
arickmaniac2020 chapter 23 . 7/31/2022
Caramel4me chapter 23 . 5/23/2022
Loved this! So glad I found it, thank you for sharing!
beckyzoso chapter 19 . 5/19/2022
This is such an exciting and angsty story! Perfect balance and tone. I could easily see this being a very boring story, what with the imprisonment and slow passage of time without much happening. But in no way has it been even remotely tiresome. I've been on the edge of my seat trying to figure out the mystery of the room and anxiously awaiting what happens next. Wonderful romantic chemistry between SS/HG.
Excited and sad to finish it! Thanks so much for sharing your writing, you're a wonderful author.
907dogtrainer chapter 23 . 5/18/2022
A very interesting story
I enjoyed it very much
Ashley Booth chapter 23 . 5/12/2022
this was amazing. I wasn't sure what was going on the firsts few chapters but I was enthralled. now I'm off to read all the things you've written!
gymnopedie chapter 23 . 3/2/2022
This may have been the 3rd time I've revisited this story or pieces of it; thank you so much for writing this. The tension, emotion, and suspense are drawn to just the right tautness to keep everything humming along, and while I don't always love Student!Hermione/Snape pairing, I really do love the maturity of this HG and how she complements SS (and sees past his blind spots). Love, love, love.
Guest chapter 23 . 1/13/2022
I thoroughly enjoyed this story! Thank you!
Ari chapter 23 . 11/19/2021
I cannot even find the right words to say how deeply emotional this fic made me... I'm crying, ok? I'm blood crying and I never cry! It so powerful and fierce and beautifully written... Oh god. I love you - I hate you, but I love you.
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