Reviews for Abaddon Born(e)
guest chapter 33 . 9/9
whiny little bitch that's what happens when you obsess over teenagers, grown man spending every waking day worried about minors instead of trying to save the world
loki0191 chapter 299 . 9/2
gz on finally the fic. I dropped 50-60 chapters in on because your mc was too much of a cunt, there was a bit too much bashing and your use of italics make me wanna carve out my eyes.

That said, gj on finishing it unlike 99% of fanfic authors. It's quite an achievement. Hope your writing continues to improve.
diazxb chapter 15 . 9/1
None of this makes sense, neither the hospital workers denying basic rights to Panacea to the point they drive off nother gold mine of a healer and also Brandish hating professional attitudes when she is a LAWYER, ffs
Guest chapter 34 . 8/23
I jumped few chapters to see if herb is dead nope still alive that's disappointing and now I'm dropping this trash fic I hope you improve your thrashy whiting good luck
Guest chapter 33 . 8/23
Please tell me herb is going to die in the future chapters because if he not then this fic good as dead to me it's already a bad fic i just push through to read it please just kill herb
nex praenuntius chapter 234 . 7/28
Vicky and Dean do know that he's a power copier, but they're hiding the specifics of how he does it. Copying powers permanently is a Trump 12 easily, but what he's doing in this chapter is well off the scale. Keep in mind how Lee trusts, this two are on his team, but they're nowhere close to the inner circle. He sees them as kids basically.
Gon Freaks chapter 299 . 7/24
Damn, but you got to earn a living to. So, see you in 5yrs.
Recidivist chapter 234 . 7/15
Uh, so I don't have a chapter title, but I'm like 95% sure Vicky and Dean already know he's a power copier. It was during a verbal confrontation with Panacea, around the time of or shortly after the Levi fight, where she was trying to convince Lee that telling people he was a power copier wouldn't be a terrible idea, and the two walked in on them, they learned about it and GG had a bad reaction, using her master ability. Then, eventually Lee revealed the full extent of Pan Pan's powers to GG to gut punch her with the equivalent nature of the shared info. GG accepts her, and many tears are shed. So, yeah.
Randomlad32 chapter 299 . 7/11
The real worm torture experianceTM
Randomlad32 chapter 293 . 7/11
What is little bro cooking..
SuperReader3000 chapter 184 . 6/3
Did not know about event horizon until today. Gonna check that out
sol.leksthewolf2021 chapter 29 . 4/22
Oh, joy. Piggot is grabbing the idiot ball via her bigotry again.
Gwwynblaid chapter 299 . 4/20
Good shit. Can't wait for the sequel
Eli20k chapter 299 . 4/4
One of the best works of fiction I've ever read, if not by plot atleast by writing. I do think the plot is amazing however. Anyone thats able to bear the immense length I heavily reccommend it. I eagerly await the sequel and will be setting a calendar reminder.
Fildde chapter 230 . 4/3
how is he still sane
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