Reviews for Demon Spawn: The Phone Call
copperheadstails chapter 51 . 6/3/2019
this was really good. I was so invested. i almost stopped reading at different major reveales but I kept going and I'm so glad I did. very well done.
Guest chapter 51 . 4/23/2018
This story was so engaging I read it n two days awesome work. Can't wait to read more of your works.
kandilyn chapter 51 . 4/9/2018
Awesome ending. Sam needs Dean. Always has always will. Loved this story from beginning. Can’t wait to see what you have next. Thank you.
kandilyn chapter 48 . 4/9/2018
I’m so close. Was going to wait but, no Sam. Stay. Nothing good happens when you run.
Pie Love Luci chapter 51 . 4/8/2018
This was so good! I love how great you are at writing the special bond between the brothers! That is always my favorite part of any SPN fic and you do it amazingly well! I'll be eagerly awaiting your next story!
Kas3y chapter 51 . 4/8/2018
Great story and Great end :) Looking forward to the possible sequel :D
Pie Love Luci chapter 50 . 4/7/2018
No! You can't leave us hanging with a cliffhanger like that!
Kas3y chapter 49 . 4/7/2018
Great last 2 chapters, can't wait till the next ones :D
Pie Love Luci chapter 49 . 4/6/2018
I want to slap John a liiiittle bit in this chapter...LOL But I'm so glad the three "brothers" are talking again...
Pie Love Luci chapter 48 . 4/6/2018
No! Sammy! What are you thinking?!
Guest chapter 47 . 3/30/2018
Sequel! Sequel! Sequel!
Kas3y chapter 47 . 3/29/2018
Great chapter :)
Pie Love Luci chapter 46 . 3/26/2018
Ugh! I HATE Roger! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Cheetah Grrl chapter 46 . 3/25/2018
Great chap.
Souless666 chapter 46 . 3/24/2018
Man that was great. I wonder who Kirkish was referring too.
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