Reviews for A Demon Misplaced (Rewrite)
Loquin chapter 13 . 8/27/2020
wow! Naruto with Fred was brutal And Akeno get what Akeno want, very good chapter
Also for you, stay safe
ZxVelo chapter 13 . 8/27/2020
Great to see that you are still keeping this story going can’t wait until the next time!
Shining Batista chapter 13 . 8/27/2020
So glad to see an update. I really love this story.

First off, it's basically impossible to find fics with an actual romance between Akeno and Naruto. And despite your claims of being uncomfortable with writing the genre, I think this is quite good.

It starts perhaps a tad too edgy, but I cannot find it in myself to label it as a flaw: Naruto's depression makes Akeno's efforts and progress in bonding with him all the more worthwhile. The "Because I'm your friend" part, referencing Naruto's own past, makes for quite a meaningful scene; I really like how it basically marks the beginning of their friendship.

Then again, I think all interactions between the main characters are very nice - Naruto's snarky comments while he tries (and mostly fails) to keep others at arm's length; Akeno's one-track mind and drive to be a part of his life; Rias' pettiness as she wants to get back at him...
Lots of good stuff.

Naruto's past on this Earth is also unexpectedly engaging. Gives him a bit of a 'mysterious aura'.
Also helps in establishing Freed as absolute scum undeserving of mercy, which is nice.
Raynare's backstory too. Much deeper than I thought it'd be.

Overall this is a surprisingly wholesome read, an all-time favourite of mine.
jaajtakua chapter 13 . 8/27/2020
Damn, long time no see.
Nice chapter
WolfXssXssin chapter 13 . 8/27/2020
This was great, loved the end part it felt natural for it to end there not forced great job.
808Joker808 chapter 13 . 8/27/2020
Welcome back. The chapter was a pleasant surprise and don't worry about the quality considering it's been 2 years since you've written and even then it's still a pretty good chapter. I'll try not to get my hopes up but now that we know your not dead I really hope you get time to update "How Naruto Screwed With History" next. Anyways, thanks for the chapter and until next time.
loneknight1012 chapter 13 . 8/27/2020
i enjoyed that a great deal. I had forgotten about this story, and was happy to see it had been updated. Than you for sharing.
Anonymous chapter 13 . 8/26/2020
Haven't even read it yet, but I'm sure I'll love it. So glad you decided to update this treasure.
OneAznDragon chapter 13 . 8/26/2020
Not too bad after a long wait. I completely agree with you on the tension and it worked out. The way he handled Freed seems fair to me but I feel like it could have dragged on just a tad more. Not enough fear from them but it was fun while it lasted. I'm concerned how you're going to bring the rest of the party into the situation, now that Naruto's abilities are semi open to the party.

Until next time.
Sdhgsrhjijdsgnhaafghh chapter 13 . 8/26/2020
Did you just make a jojos reference?
merlin.mendoza.jker chapter 13 . 8/26/2020
i had to re read the entire thing from chapter one to now and honestly it was well worth it
WolkaiserDrake chapter 13 . 8/26/2020
so the biju are in the DXD world? does that mean they could make an appearance in later chapters?
PasiveNox chapter 13 . 8/26/2020
This is nice
FicReader of Desert chapter 13 . 8/26/2020
I'm glad you came back and updated this story. but to be honest, this chapter did look much more rough and not as detailed as the previous ones. It looked more like a draft. Not really sure what it was worth sexualizing the ending like that. Akeno was supposed to provide more moral support than physical support. And no, I'm not against sex, but it is extremely inappropriate here.
Once again, I am glad that you are back and I hope that you will continue to write and improve your skills.
Good luck
(post it in wrong chapter)
FicReader of Desert chapter 1 . 8/26/2020
I'm glad you came back and updated this story. but to be honest, this chapter did look much more rough and not as detailed as the previous ones. It looked more like a draft. Not really sure what it was worth sexualizing the ending like that. Akeno was supposed to provide more moral support than physical support. And no, I'm not against sex, but it is extremely inappropriate here.
Once again, I am glad that you are back and I hope that you will continue to write and improve your skills.
Good luck
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