Reviews for Welcome to Doki Doki Literature Club Player!
demissedwaifu chapter 14 . 4/15
This is such a rollercoaster of emotions, I haven't had feelings similar to this since I watched re zero, omg
lunarknights142 chapter 17 . 10/22/2023
Bruh the ending of this chapter made me point and say No No
lunarknights142 chapter 1 . 10/22/2023
Havent even started and just from the summary i can tell that we just got ROB on our ass
incognito2 chapter 1 . 8/5/2023
Create a ddlc mod with this story
incognito2 chapter 1 . 8/5/2023
Create a ddlc mod with this story
Guest chapter 20 . 5/30/2023
just what I was looking for, something that existentialist, fascinating... the real world is like that, quantum physics is just the tip of the iceberg, what is really complicated is to understand the philosophy of immaterialism and solipsm, as they are extreme idealistic concepts that reject materialism it is difficult to make these come true, so the objective of this life for me in particular that I am the only one with the point of view (POV) of existence, is to prove in a materialistic and scientific way that I am, as an absolute between them, something like Einstein's absolute law of EMC, but it will be the greatest challenge that a person will ever do in history, to justify that idealism is what shapes matter, Philosophers like Immanuel Kant They tried to relate the two, but I think that nobody came closer like Buddhism and the curse of reincarnation, unlike the Buddhists I do not want to free myself from the cycle by dying and resting in peace, I am an Egoist by nature (Thank you Max Stirner for your wonderful philosophy), so as long as I am God I want to live these cycles of reincarnation with style and doing what makes me happy, but first I want to do the same as before, justify in an absolute and scientific way that I am an unconscious God from my point of view, It would take a great weight off my shoulders... The MC in a certain way wants the same thing, to live according to his Selfish desires without any ties or something that limits him, that is why until now this fanfic is clicking with me and I must congratulate you therefore... it is not that ignorance is bliss, but that you can be the most knowledgeable person of all, but if you do not have your Selfish desires then you will fall into the spiral of nihilism, I got over it a little over a year ago I should have congratulated you on what you've done so far
Merhada chapter 4 . 5/3/2023
It’s slightly depressing that I spent 10 minutes trying ti translate the sentence before finding so many answers which would of saved me that time
TheWritingFreakIsBack chapter 20 . 1/13/2022
alright i have a bright idea

make them go to a Christmas special.

as simple as that.

they have no idea how they got there and they are just there.
kukuhimanpr chapter 5 . 1/4/2022
lulz at natsuku's cupcakes being used as the evil plot device by monika.
Oof chapter 11 . 7/1/2021
*Jazz music stops.*
Amaterasu of The Black Flames chapter 28 . 4/1/2021
Oh my god this was an amazing journey. I will be forever grateful that you wrote this. Finished it in a few hours, just couldn't stop.
Isa Lumitus chapter 3 . 9/29/2020
Technically, the [Player] was not converted to an AI. The simulation hypothesis is real, which means that he was one already. The only thing that the Super Users (gods) did was move him from one simulated world to another.
Inferno chapter 16 . 5/27/2020
I sense a sayori death pun...
JackWhitenight chapter 9 . 3/29/2020
That's one hell of a chapter. And I can't help but applaud at your dedication when you wrote a last part.
JackWhitenight chapter 9 . 3/29/2020
"Monicka's voice is menacing."
Inside my head:
Monika:"Ho? You coming at me? Instead of running away you coming right at me?"
Yuri:"I can't stab the shit out of you without getting closer."
Monika:"Ho ho. Them come as close as you want."
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