Reviews for A Song for Them
Child of Dreams chapter 1 . 2/9
KakashiHatakeDFS chapter 61 . 1/3
I hope everything is okay with you and that, however unlikely it is after nearly 2 years, we get the next arc from you. I truly miss this story
FlukeShot chapter 1 . 10/28/2024
So I haven't been here in a while and my emails got mixed up and I wasn't getting notifications anymore. Finally got around to scouring through everything to see what fanfiction I need to be reading again. And I definitely remember always getting really excited to find notifications for this fic. It was one of the fics I consistently left reviews for because I NEEDED updates.
You know what's funny. I've never actually fully watched any episode of Naruto. All my information is from common things that happen in fanfics LOL though I'm sure I did some reading up on information of characters and story background every now and then through wikis.
I digress. I went through each chapter to see when I last reviewed so I could just start from where I last left off, but figured, you know what. I should just do a reread!
I don't know why I'm telling you this. I just want you to know that's just how much a fan I am of your writing and I'm curious if you've ever published any original work that I can purchase XD
ANYWAYS. I will start my reread now 3
Kurohime96 chapter 47 . 10/21/2024
I love the Kakashi pov so much it's just so funny to me how he is so fed up with his bad luck and his interactions with sora are hilarious
ebolanenola chapter 44 . 10/15/2024
you really are able to catch the true essence of a character, jiraiyas lines are *chefs kiss* perfect, beautiful
ebolanenola chapter 39 . 10/15/2024
that fight scene was so fun to read i even played the song in the background lol
ebolanenola chapter 33 . 10/14/2024
dang bro
ebolanenola chapter 31 . 10/14/2024
dang. in love but dang.
ebolanenola chapter 29 . 10/13/2024
last bit had me cackling
ebolanenola chapter 28 . 10/13/2024
that was so much better than her cutting his hair himself, i was honestly imaging her getting revenge on Neji for hinata via naruto style pranks
ebolanenola chapter 27 . 10/13/2024

pure good absolutely brilliant 10/10
ebolanenola chapter 20 . 10/11/2024
but if hiruzen doesnt die then they wont go to find tsunade
ebolanenola chapter 19 . 10/10/2024
a plot twist i like is when the team member ‘betrays’ the team at a crucial moment but doesnt let them in on the plan bc there’s no time or the situation doesnt allow it and the team is super upset betrayed angry ect ect and then its revealed that jk it was all a ruse!
ebolanenola chapter 16 . 10/10/2024
just so u know i literally stop reading and listen to every song thats mentioned, the soran bushi one has a cool dance
ebolanenola chapter 10 . 10/8/2024
wait stop i just realised the sun and the moon that both reside in the sky punching the table rn

on top of that it reminds me of something I read.. when the sun sets the sky turns an orange-pink (Sora’s hair) before fading into a dark violet (her eyes) before finally the moon comes out at night.

Sora exists in both the light and the dark, the duality of her life is shown through many aspects, like her and terra, her before and now, her dark thoughts and her caring affectionate ones
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