Reviews for Harry Potter and the Serpent Conquest
Eagleone 55 chapter 1 . 1/27
Hello, Please finish this you have a great series here.
Thank you
LoveGoodBooks86 chapter 14 . 1/24
Hi, I’ve loved this series !
You are so close to finishing a third and final amazing fanfiction I truly hope you’ll return to writing. I honestly think you could at least end in logically in five to ten more chapters if your short on time. Pretty please?
Lord Hogwarts Magic Pendragon chapter 14 . 12/30/2024
I hope you will be continuing this amazing series. Keep up the great work!
janewaydevotee chapter 14 . 12/27/2024
This has been quite a trilogy so far. The twists and turns the story takes makes it an exciting read. I do hope that someday the story will be completed as it seems to be leading to an epic battle…perhaps even enough for another book in the series.

I thank the author for all the wonderful work put into to the story.
Fan chapter 14 . 12/8/2024
I hope you will update, I'm curious what will happen especially to Ron.
HarryTheHorcrux chapter 14 . 12/4/2024
Oh, what a let down. I was so excited when i read the first of this series and to see it has sat here unchanged for nearly five years is rather disappointing. Had i known the series wasn't complete i wouldn't have bothered to start reading it, sorry it's just a let down after enjoying the previous two parts of the series so much.
HarryTheHorcrux chapter 12 . 12/4/2024
Why "Zambini"? His name is clearly written "Zabini" in the novels. Zambini sounds like Zimbabwe?
HarryTheHorcrux chapter 5 . 12/3/2024
Wouldn't it be hilarious to take a massive dump and flush it through the Ministry of Magics staff toilet entrance Haha
Philip A Schmidt chapter 14 . 11/29/2024
welp really loving your stories. too bad that it has not been updated in the last 4 year. hope you are still alive considering the last posted dat was 2020 the year of massive deaths.
LuciMoon chapter 14 . 10/7/2024
I really hope you come back to finifh thia story! Love it sp much!
LuciMoon chapter 1 . 10/4/2024
I recently found you and tour storiea. I just finishes the first two stories in this series and didnt realize tou stipped posting to compete this one! Please! This story is freat and id really like to aee how tou finish it! Love your writing!
Home World Security chapter 14 . 10/2/2024
Just finished reading. I hope to see new chapters soon. I am absolutely in love with this series.
G Fawkes chapter 2 . 8/11/2024
Hermione asked Harry for his trunk, but you had him shrink it and put it in his pocket (which is smarter, and way more secure, should they get split up or if she's injured). NOW you have his things in her bag, and handing them back to him. No consistency.
Yes! The IS A goddamn difference between Harry, and Voldemort! Voldemort's not a f**king pacifist pussy!
I quit! You and your made up angst, can go f*** yourselves!
G Fawkes chapter 1 . 8/11/2024
Apprised, not appraised. The ministry will not be (informed) of...
That's not what appraised means.
Narnia and Harry Potter 4 EVER chapter 14 . 7/25/2024
Another great chapter! i'm really liking gow you keep flashing to hogwarts, i always wondered how things went down in the final year, and you are portraying it amazingly!
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