Reviews for Dreams
I LOVE THIS FIC chapter 26 . 10/3/2024
SERIOUSLY THIS WAS THE BEST FANFIC EVER. Even thought it passed like 6 years since you posted this fic and you probably won’t read this review but still… I FREAKED out in every scene, I mean I CRIED from HAPPINESS AND SADNESS, which was a little weird because I share a room with my sis. ANYWAYS THANK SO MUCH FOR WRITING THIS, YOU HAVE REAL TALENT. I really wished you could continue but it’s been a while so… JUST THANK YOU GIRL, LOVE YOU AWG.
Percabethlover67 chapter 9 . 5/16/2024
I absolutely LOVED the reunion! It was like perfect build up. MY HEART WAS DYING ON THE FLOOR AFTER ALL THOSE KISSES! I feel so single right now bc they had sooo many kisses in just so little time, but I still haven’t had my first one and I am 17!
idk chapter 26 . 4/2/2024
post whatever it is you have written because im sure its AMAZINNGG
eth4nward chapter 25 . 4/2/2024
pls update
soho chapter 9 . 3/16/2024
girl, that reunion was sooo good. It like crushed my heart. I don't think I could have thought of a better reunion. u r awesome! please make this a trilogy!
Thefinerthingsinlife chapter 9 . 3/11/2024
absolutely wonderfully written
Guest chapter 26 . 2/21/2024
Hiiiiiiiii I’ve read this story like five times and no pressure but it would be awesome if you could finish it . I love your writing and this story so so much please don’t give up on it. 3
Anonymous chapter 26 . 1/20/2024
Hey girl!
I just wanted to let you know that I have loved and cherished your series for years and have re-read them continuously. No pressure, but I would love to see you start writing again. You are so unbelievably talented and my favorite Percabeth author!
Guest chapter 26 . 9/3/2023
Hey, I really love your work.
It would be awesome if you could update, I hate being on a cliffhanger for long.
P.S. I will be waiting plsss pls update.
Lots Of Love.
Bored Reader chapter 26 . 7/26/2023
While I am quite upset that this story hasn't been completed/updated, I want to thank you for your dedication for this story. I like to write too, but I also know how hard it is to finish a book. I am also quite glad you left off where you did and not at a cliffhanger, because if you did, I think I would've died from the suspense.

I don't know who you are or what you're doing now, but I hope you're living an amazing life and showcasing your amazing abilities as a writer to the world. A talent like yours shouldn't be stifled, and you, my dear friend, have talent.

I enjoyed reading your story, and it brought me a whirlwind of emotions I didn't know I was capable of feeling. Your story is one of my favorites, and I'm so very glad I came across "Memories".

Keep writing and living life to its full potential.

With love,
Bored Reader
Bored Reader chapter 11 . 7/26/2023
I honestly feel like throwing up, I'm seriously sick to my stomach...
Nobody no 1 chapter 26 . 7/25/2023
Let me just remind you that I'm back not because of quarantine (it's long ded and gone) or because I'm bored out ma mind
I'm here because I'm in the middle of my uni exams ( im a medical student so wish me luck i survie another year of this insanity ) and I'm back to my comfort place . I've been following this story for years now ( back when I was 14 now I'm 20 ) so you SHOULD realise just how much this story means to me. I re-read this so many time that I've lost count (I read it all over again atleast 3 times a year:'( and I'm already on my 6th time reading it this year) I know its been a while... and may be your really really busy in life. But... someday if you ever can please continue this story... because I'm never gonna stop coming back here to check if your back not matter how many more years it take I will always come back. And I bet so many others will too. Because we've tasted the magic in your writing and so we will always wish to see it again. I'm still rooting for you girl. You promised us three books, if its not too much to ask please finish this one. Because bo matter what ending I give in my head I know it can never compare to yours. So even if its been years since u stopped... I really wish you to please come back, For the people who still love you ️

Always your no one fan and hype man
Nobody no 1
betulluz chapter 26 . 7/26/2023
I wish there was a new update. I loved this book.
leighismyname chapter 26 . 7/10/2023
hi awg:,) i just finished reading this absolute masterpiece for probably about the fifth time. i truly think i’ll come back to read this again every few years, just for the pure nostalgia bliss this gives me. i remember reading this in high school for the first time, getting an email reminder about a new chapter and sneaking looks on my phone in class. i can’t even begin to describe what you have done with this story. beginning with the effect you’ve had on this fandom, is unlike anything i’ve seen before on this website, or any others like it. what with your personable authors notes, review responses, and perfectly crafted song tributes. (and let me just say, you were the one who originally got me into 1975, who are now my absolute favorite band. i actually just saw them live in october and it was the best hour or so of my life, i sincerely hope you were able to catch them at any point, they’re life changing live, im telling you. anyway, seeing their songs lined up so perfectly synced to your story always brings a little bought of giddiness to me haha) i reviewed a few times a while back while you were updating this story, but since i came back how ever many years later, i felt a deep urge to comment again on how amazing this story is. you’ve created such a beautiful self-indulgent story that so many of us have been able to enjoy with you, delving ourselves into this world as i’m sure you have as well. the anticipation towards the first kiss was perfectly balanced between being heart wrenchingly slow, to such intimate, sexy, and yet innocent desire, you captured the feeling i believe everyone wishes to feel for themselves at some point in their lives, which is why i think so many people love this story so much. the relationship between annabeth and percy is so delicate and at the same time so untouchable, it’s blissfully gorgeous. it’s everything one wants out of a story like this. as well the relationship between the friends is beautiful, the late nights, the laughs, the stories, the deep bonds; everyone wants a friend group like that, with little petty dramas and a stubbornly loyal bond. it’s beautiful what you’ve created. i hope you know, i view you a small bit like your annabeth as well, mostly with how you seem to not see how utterly iconic this story is, i was honest when i reviewed a million years ago and said this could be a tv show. and a killer one at that! the star crossed bad boy, nerdy introvert girl, against all odds, will they fall in love? will they finally reveal who the boy is in her visions?! find out on the season finale of MEMORIES (8/7central). and on top of that this sultry, sexy mysterious baddest of the bad mafia-esk drug lord portuguese brother? ugh it’s everything you’d want and more. the outfits, the soundtrack, i can see it playing out in my head! truly, if you changed the names and published this, i could see a hit book series coming soon.
your characters are so perfectly consistent, theyre loyal, flawed, insecure, they overcome mistakes, make new choices, become new people, reflect on the past. i’m honest when i say your writing is beyond a simple fanfiction here, you’ve created an entire universe and given us the pleasure of having a peak. i’m so inspired by your writing, the passion of it, the desperation, the aesthetic. is so beautiful, so ethereal.
i sincerely hope you are in good health, still kicking and slaying somewhere on this planet. i’m not here to beg you to come back, in my mind the story doesn’t need to continue, it could’ve ended with the last chapter you posted. percy and annabeth finally together, completely trusting each other, the friend group solid. percy out of the crime world for good, there was closure with raphael, closure with luke. i hope you don’t feel as though you’ve abandoned this story, or the readers, because you’ve done these characters justice, and in my mind they’re old and happy and life is simple again:) (however if you do come back, i will be seated for every word, and i have incredible patience as well, as i said i’ll be coming back every few years to reread, and if there’s something new, of course i’ll be rejoicing and probably jumping up and down)
you have a way with words that is so untouchable, i feel like i could continue to go on forever about it.
anyway, i love this story, these characters you’ve made entirely your own, and your crazy, passionate mind. you’re a crazy, passionate person in the best way possible:)
until next time!
Guest chapter 26 . 5/27/2023
So r we getting a new chapter
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