Reviews for Through the Wormhole
Guest chapter 35 . 11/4
good story
Koldbones chapter 11 . 8/27
not liking how Harry tells them everything about everything. writing is ok, but harry just comes across as a tell all.
SMB chapter 2 . 8/25
You made him a f**king ferret animagus. F**k you.
HardlightArtemis chapter 26 . 6/14
i thought be was knight of the thistle
madnessdownunder2 chapter 1 . 4/20
Harry potter and Star trek, done before, but not DS9, interesting. Let's see how you go! Good start
JaBeviH2O chapter 35 . 4/1
Oh my goodness! This was really engaging story. I found it recommended from another Potter story. It has been awhile since I watched DS9 orTGN. But your story timeline and plots are interesting and readable.

As far as Harry's own ship, you better make it the Falcon. Cause it would be the best in my opinion. And would piss off the Trekies something fierce. Putting Star Wars in the Trek Universe. But I am totally Bi on the Trek\Wars Universe's. I grew up with both and loved them equally..

Hurry up it, what's happening next! Need to know...

Keep writing. Sincerely JaBeviH2O
EdTheBeast chapter 35 . 2/28
Very good. Definitely not the Traveler.
WhiteElfElder chapter 35 . 2/19
It has been interesting so far, and Harry's luck is starting to turn the downward direction.
bobthebuilding chapter 12 . 9/22/2023
Great story but the British Prince being able to order Starfleet Security around, or having any authority at all, is utter nonsense.

The British Monarchy being able to give diplomatic immunity that supersedes Starfleet concerns is also utter hogwash, even if reseeding a post WWIII Earth was on the table.
Difdi chapter 26 . 9/8/2023
You have a continuity error in this chapter - in all other chapters, you describe Harry, often in his own words, as a Knight of the Order of the Thistle… but in this chapter, you had him introduce himself as a Knight of the Order of the Garter.
Difdi chapter 23 . 9/8/2023
You have a recurring typo in this and previous chapters - every time you meant to write mokeskin, you wrote moleskin instead. Moleskin is a type of cotton fabric, typically used in trousers. Mokeskin is the skin of a magical animal called a moke, which is used for magically-expanded bags.
Difdi chapter 21 . 9/8/2023
While Parker Brothers produced Monopoly as a family board game, the original designers intended it to warn people of the evils and dangers of capitalism. An interactive cautionary tale.
Difdi chapter 20 . 9/8/2023
You have a physics error in this chapter. Containing a thermonuclear scale explosion, like a photon torpedo produces, within a shield bubble (or other container that can even momentarily withstand the pressure) doesn’t do what you described in the chapter, it does the opposite - makes the explosion MUCH more intense, and therefore MUCH more damaging to the planet.
Difdi chapter 18 . 9/8/2023
Is it Vantika or Ventika? Was he smuggling durineum or deuranium? You changed spellings for both a couple times in this chapter.
Difdi chapter 11 . 9/8/2023
You have a recurring typo in this chapter and others - most of the times you meant to write synthehol, you actually wrote snythehol.
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