Reviews for The Devil's Own |
shadows-haunt-angels chapter 1 . 4/11/2018 Dude, awesome! I love this, keep it up! I hope you update soon. |
Difdi chapter 19 . 4/10/2018 It occurs to me that you could probably hit Scabbers with a Homorphous Charm at meal times - just zap Ron Weasley with it and 'miss', then claim you couldn't believe anything that eats like that could be human and were testing that theory... Of course, with Snape in the mix, that might not work anymore. |
Difdi chapter 18 . 4/10/2018 Wherever you're getting your information on Black Widows from, it's wrong. A Black Widow is only mildly venomous by Australian standards, but Australians have different ideas of what dangerous wildlife is than most people. Or for a magical comparison, Black Widow venom is quite mild when compared to that of an acromantula or basilisk. But Black Widow venom isn't weak - they kill humans every year, and are the third most venomous spider in North America. Also, their webbing is the second strongest known - Darwin's Bark Spiders from Australia have them solidly beat on silk strength. While Black Widow silk is several times stronger than most spider silk, and is roughly equal to Kevlar in strength, Darwin's Bark Spider silk is more than twice as strong as Black Widow silk. |
talesfanjmf chapter 19 . 4/5/2018 It really felt as if every time the scene shifted, something noteworthy happened. Although this had the effect of making the chapter a bit too unfocused and all over the place. |
Impstar chapter 19 . 4/5/2018 Well that ends my Sally/Harry ship. Dang. And wow talk about a series of unfortunate events. The world is conspiring against the group. |
syed chapter 19 . 4/4/2018 If a spider patronus can create webbing, could it also produce a form of venom? How many patronus have been creatures with venom! If Harry could capture dementors, he could offer them as sacrifices to appease the fae. If dementors are truly outsiders, then the courts could be convinced to deal with them. |
xbox432 chapter 19 . 4/4/2018 ...I could just about imagine the Benny Hill theme while they were trying to catch "Scabbers". Heh, everything and everyone seemed dead set on interfering with them. I'll be looking forward to seeing how their next plan goes off. And Tracey likes Sally hmm? Interesting, I didn't even think about that but I'm sure squeeing at the thought now. :D Hopefully they can be happy together. |
Dragon Man 180 chapter 19 . 4/4/2018 I have a feeling Daphne is in for a very bad day soon, can't wait to see how it unfolds. |
Kairan1979 chapter 19 . 4/4/2018 So Snape knows Scabbers is Peter, and doesn't want to turn him to the Ministry to get the reward? What's his angle? |
uresmania chapter 19 . 4/4/2018 Yes, there is no way that this plan can possibly go wrong. Sirius dementors outing your animagus form to the public with your undoubtedly perfectly narratively timed mastering of the patronus charm. I'm preparing myself for a trainwreck, though I really hope that Sirius doesn't die. I'm worried about Snape. He knows about Pettigrew, but we know from canon that that doesn't dissuade him at all from wanted Sirius exposed to the Dementor's Kiss. He'll likely take any chance he gets to have both marauders meet their end. Oh shit. The minister's next visit is going to be on a full moon, isn't it? Snape's going to try to end all of them, and Fudge is going to cover everything up. AH! |
Slenderbrine chapter 19 . 4/4/2018 Wait Daphne is Tracey’s aunt? How does that family tree work? |
Akashic Vinyl chapter 19 . 4/4/2018 Ominous. I hope Daphne gets more time in this, and maybe an attitude adjustment. Or hell, actually loving Tracy despite and just being a brat would be nice. There's plenty to get her on side with that. Oh well we shall see. |
talesfanjmf chapter 18 . 3/30/2018 Tracey really is one of the best characters in this story. |
talesfanjmf chapter 17 . 3/30/2018 It sometimes is easy to forget that word gets around fast at Hogwarts. |
talesfanjmf chapter 16 . 3/30/2018 Well, I certainly wasn't expecting Petunia to die. |