Reviews for Oblivion
Sak chapter 50 . 9/8/2020
I lived the catch up of all the characters... But two Hermiones exist? How will that work when smaller Hermione..
Oh nevermind. Time travel is too confusing anyway!

Them having kids and being in love, so sweet!
Thank you for your time
Sak chapter 49 . 9/8/2020
Will Kretcher appear and whisk her away?
Regulus just couldn't wait to deflower her... At least be engaged?
Sak chapter 48 . 9/8/2020
Yes moody!
Great real showdown!
Sak chapter 47 . 9/8/2020
Oh I do hope not many people are killed
Sak chapter 46 . 9/8/2020
Omg the big showdown at the party full of family omg so so shameful poor Hermione
Sak chapter 45 . 9/8/2020
Alright, the order!
Great chapter
Sak chapter 44 . 9/8/2020
I like how Regulus does his maps. Nice touch!
Sak chapter 43 . 9/8/2020
They're so cute discovering each other
But Snape omg he saw Bellatrix! I hope he can stop her exposing Hermione!
Sak chapter 42 . 9/8/2020
Regulus is such a sweet innocent! You write their stuffy society so well by the way. I'm glad Hermione finally told him straight, I like YOU. Woo hoo well done girl !
Sak chapter 41 . 9/8/2020
It is only natural he feel jealousy about Sirius. Well written
And yay the tiara is taken!
Sak chapter 40 . 9/8/2020
I think Sirius would not be patient to not know EVERY single detail... But it all works out.
Sak chapter 39 . 9/8/2020
Lol Hermione running away at the end

Yes things are in motion!
Go Snape!
Sak chapter 38 . 9/8/2020
Oh la la, that was CLOSE.
Sak chapter 37 . 9/8/2020
Omgggggg dramaaaaaaa
Sak chapter 36 . 9/8/2020
Omg Bellatrix is so sneaky!
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