Reviews for FateKaleid Prisma Taylor
Blaze1992 chapter 49 . 8/25/2024
Bit confused so did Cortessa try to kill her off or just wanted her gone for a bit?
Draconic chapter 14 . 6/21/2024
Never go inside coffee shops that don't conceptually exist.
Draconic chapter 13 . 6/21/2024
It might be based on Kobe, but Fuyuki, (as well as Misaki and Mifune) are actually on the opposite side of the island from Kobe. They would be roughly 5 hours away by train, if memory serves.
Zdisslava chapter 49 . 6/16/2024
Just finshed binge reading, and I must say, I absolutely love this fic.
Taylor taking down Leviathan was awesome, her summoning Khepri was confusing at first but still cool.
Still, my favorite part has to be Lung referencing Magical Girl anime during their fight.
That said, can't wait for more!
TheShami chapter 16 . 5/30/2024
This is kinda disgusting. Lisa having to force brian into dating Taylor. I dont know about you, but id never want to be with someone because someone else talked them into it, let alone tried to force them in any way shape or form. Plus, i always hated brian. He has the personality of a toaster.
Guest chapter 36 . 5/19/2024

youre a bitch XD

just fucking tell her in text

hasnt she heard of baby steps?

if someone wont take your calls just start small with text

theyll get worn down eventually
TheLastGarou chapter 49 . 5/20/2024
Yes, executive dysfunction is indeed a bitch.

Glad to see you beat it back enough to get another chapter out, though!

Actually, thank you for the trigger! I need to go get groceries and my new contacts. Ta!
Penny Smiles chapter 49 . 5/19/2024
Oh shit an update, heck yeah!
dreaddragonknight chapter 49 . 5/18/2024
I was not expecting this story to update on this day but I am pleased to read more of magical girl Taylor. Though I keep forgetting that the original cast of nasuverse magical girls are now older then Taylor instead of canonically younger.

What is with worm and nasuverse crossovers and only ever almost having Taylor call someone sempai? It has happened more then twice now
JanessaVR chapter 49 . 5/18/2024
Hey! Thought this one was dead for sure. Thanks for a new chapter. :-)
Ultimate Warrior of Zera chapter 49 . 5/18/2024
I think this is supposed to be for your Call Me Massacre story.
Tevvybear15 chapter 49 . 5/18/2024
I think you posted this in the wrong stroy.
Lord Of Oblivion chapter 43 . 4/19/2024
I figured it out. The reasone magic is almost gone. Its the same thing that usually weakens mysteries. Knowledge.
The entities are a sort of hivemind. Each individual shard is awear and capable of feats that magic would have trouble with trough sheer KNOWLEDGE and understanding of the univers.

Now, consider that thre are hunderds of thousands, maybe more of these shards, and that the entities can observe the whole world across multiple universes and you have the reasone why magic is weak.
Jamerz06 chapter 48 . 3/25/2024
Can’t wait to see the next chapter
Dasgun chapter 48 . 2/5/2024
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