Reviews for The Heart of a Chief & The Soul of a Dragon
LJF613 chapter 15 . 1/26/2023
I love this story so, so, SO much- I've been smiling like an idiot since the first chapter.
Spirit Of The Black Wolf chapter 15 . 12/14/2022
I have really enjoyed this story, hopefully you will come back to this someday.
TheLegendaryBlackDragonKnight chapter 1 . 11/7/2022
You think that a war between the Hysteric Tribe and the Berserker Tribe is going to end well?

No? I like the idea that both the Hysterics and the Berserkers are bound to find one another in conflict, Oswald the Antagonistic and his son Dagur the Deranged working up their bestial rage through common annoyances that make them angry, along with drinking some hallucinogenic urine that comes from a reindeer fed with fly agaric and henbane mushrooms against Nobert the Nutjob and his clan of insanity feared Vikings; what a bad idea for a campaign if the latter is that stupid enough to go to war with the former. In fact, I've been looking a story that has this piece of information which is sponsored by you; my way of saying that I give you credit for this idea for my own HTTYD trilogy of stories

Thanks, RyoshiMirino
Chesta1892 chapter 14 . 6/17/2022
I keep coming back in hopes that the story's been updated. So sad to see it's not. :'(

I love HTTYD and this story is very well thought out and really keeps you coming back for more!
Phoenix the warrior goddess chapter 15 . 3/11/2022
Brilliant I hope you continue this awesome story!
Whooptidoo chapter 4 . 9/18/2021
Okay, i may be a bit late, but THIS. WAS. AMAZING. Im literally over here smiling. This is how the movie should have been. This is me-approved. Well done.
alexregius99 chapter 1 . 4/24/2021
When Hiccup said " of the morning to you," my mind read that in Jacksepticeye's voice.

Maybe I'm watching too much Youtube.
Atea1793 chapter 6 . 2/16/2021
If Spitelout Jorgenson went on the search for the Dragon Nest with Stoick, then how was he in the Meade Hall when Hiccup confronted the village for pillaging Astrid's house when her parents died...?


Still hope you can update this soon though!
DarkLinkBlade chapter 15 . 11/30/2020
so um... update please. this story is amazing and I'd hate to see it go
emmaxinyiswiftiepotter chapter 15 . 8/8/2020
This story is very interesting, not heading where I expected it to be, but still very good:)
I really hope you haven't abandoned this story, it would bee such a shame...please update soon!
emmaxinyiswiftiepotter chapter 6 . 8/7/2020
AWWWWWWW I love this chapter so much!
And I really like the dynamic of your story, it feels like the perfect combination of the movies and the books.
emmaxinyiswiftiepotter chapter 1 . 8/7/2020
Only the fist chapter and I'm already in love! This is the first story I read where Hiccup is this bold about his feelings for Astrid, and I LOVE it!
I wonder how Toothless would appear, can't wait!
Chesta1892 chapter 15 . 7/19/2020
Really wish you'd finish your stories. They are really great page turners and ,unlike many others, look like they've been proofread. You are an excellent author and I love reading your work. Hope you can find the inspiration to continue and finsh this story at least.
Speaker of Heresies chapter 15 . 4/1/2020
Keep it comin! I look forward to this as I read in quarantine.
Speaker of Heresies chapter 13 . 4/1/2020
I wouldn't say no to Dragon shouts, but that has to be like rim of the world Tyler crap, adding call it Dragon shouts, or if you do, introduce a different type of dragon, one that is utterly unique compared to the normal httyd dragons
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