Reviews for Blink of the Gods
Beth1112 chapter 4 . 4/15/2024
I really enjoyed your story.
WiseFly chapter 4 . 12/25/2023
wonderfully done!
katholmes130 chapter 3 . 2/27/2022
Truth is Harry didn't deserve a chance either. Harry's sorting almost put him in Slytherin. He didn't suit that house as he was neither ambitious or clever, nor the house he ended up in as he was never courageous or loyal to Hermione.
Ice Demon Ranger chapter 4 . 8/22/2021
This has been a most excellent story.

Thank you for sharing.
Queen Tyra chapter 4 . 7/24/2021
Only One Word Describes The Story Best, Which Is Just Perfect!
NB13 chapter 4 . 5/27/2021
That was an epic adventure, thank you 3
Xiumin's Chyme chapter 4 . 11/18/2020
What a lovely story! I love the world you created with the mashing of canons together.
alannalove1990 chapter 4 . 10/30/2020
Seriously. This is amazing!
alannalove1990 chapter 3 . 10/30/2020
Ron is about to get ittttt
alannalove1990 chapter 2 . 10/30/2020
This was sweet
alannalove1990 chapter 1 . 10/30/2020
Wow this was awesome
Adonisx chapter 4 . 10/10/2020
this is the most beautiful story 3
monay9e chapter 4 . 1/18/2020
Beautifully written
Ravena D. Alister chapter 4 . 7/19/2019
Oh my goodness that was so good. So tragic and beautiful and then full of hope and yet more beautiful. That is one of the best AU stories I’ve read on this sight and I’ve been reading on here for about 5 years. Wow
MayariCat chapter 4 . 5/19/2019
Thank you so much for this. From the time I first read 'Castaways' you made me fall in love with the Loki/Hermione pairing and I had thought I read every one you had written. Somehow though this our slipped through the cracks. I am very happy to have finished it. Once again the way you write this couple is fantastic.
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