Reviews for Fate: Legend
Soren Arelia chapter 20 . 12/31/2024
Is this story still alive?

Please don't abandon it

It's easily one of your best so far
Guest chapter 20 . 10/2/2024
I want to see Shirou Emiya slaughter the ninja of Konoha on the next chapter!
Babboy chapter 20 . 9/29/2024
I live this!
ZoyeZest chapter 1 . 9/26/2024
Hi ,

I just finished reading your story, Fate: Legend, and I wanted to reach out because it really touched a chord in me. Your characters and world hold great potential for visual storytelling, and I would be more than happy to see your narrative transform into a visual comic.

Why I'm Reaching Out
I'm an enthusiastic artist adaptation-oriented from written works into visual comics, and your story stood out for me in terms of richness in character development and the clever way you weaves emotion into every scene. Your deep characters and vivid imagery of their world hold incredible potential for a visual storytelling adaptation. I feel that with the right visual treatment, your story can engage a wider audience and set an immersive experience for your readers.

A Little About Me
My artist name is "ZoyeZest," and I admire stories that speak at a visual level. I've worked with numerous authors on a commission basis to turn their stories into comics, capturing the feel of their stories while giving another dimension to the telling. My work is fueled by one simple passion: bringing stories to life in visual form. And I am dedicated to making sure your vision comes to life in a way that will strike a chord with your audience.

Let's Talk
I'd love to flesh out this idea with you some more and get some of your thoughts. Whether it's a full adaptation or just wanting to see some ideas, I'm here to collaborate and make sure that it is your vision at the very front. Since this would be on a commissioned basis, I can also give you more information on my pricing and what this process would look like.

Looking forward to hearing from you, and thank you in advance for considering this collaboration.

Best regards,
Discord: baran59354
insta : baran59354
XSeven728 chapter 20 . 9/25/2024
Oscar chapter 20 . 9/3/2024
Espero una próxima actualización. O por lo menos saber que no se quedará descontinuada
JRZTT1246 chapter 20 . 8/12/2024
I wish you develop and focus on some male character than female one.

Like Yahiko and Nagato, but I felt like their development were all shove aside for Female character probably for the sake of Harem, like Konan, Mei, Samui.

Yahiko and Nagato was a big deal in original, sad that they were demote to a side character to the point that they were just Konan and 'other' now.
ledesmajoaquin418 chapter 20 . 8/10/2024
Guest chapter 1 . 8/10/2024
To Rangle.
And you are a fucking hypocrite.
Rangle chapter 17 . 8/9/2024
LOL, you also nerfed ninshu that it can't sense emotions anymore. So convenient.
Rangle chapter 16 . 8/9/2024
Shirou should just stab Tsunade and be done with it. Didn't he also fight to protect a rapist? He's not a hero. He's just a selfish sociopath, who fooled himself that he's doing things for the greater good. In reality, Shirou is a villain. Hitler, Stalin, & Mao also thought they all did everything for the greater good.
Rangle chapter 7 . 8/9/2024
Hm, there's no way Hiruzen & Danzo will help out an Uzumaki. One straggler is not worth it. Anyway, Shirou should kill himself. I think it'll bring peace and safety to the people around him, heh. Some people need to exit themselves from life for others to be fulfilled.
Masterboy chapter 1 . 7/29/2024
this story is still in beginning phase compared to the author's other stories.
Taken Kings chapter 20 . 7/27/2024
And just like that, Danzo's smear campaign just got seen through by THE one person Leaf didn't want to know
Guest chapter 20 . 7/22/2024
I love this, and can’t wait to see the birth of this legend.
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