Reviews for Alone
Adena McGee chapter 1 . 8/16/2020
wow, what a soft moment. Loved the fact that they could be real with each other and how Rick restrained himself understanding how vulnerable they were.
dangermaus chapter 1 . 11/14/2009
Hands down, you are one of the best writers around. I love all the fanfics you've posted here, as well as those on your website, and have read them several times. I've even read stories for shows I've never watched and know nothing about. Have you published anything, or written anything with original characters? Great sense of pacing, fabulous dialogue, humorous, sensitive, beautiful. I love the depth you've brought to Lisa and Rick's relationship. Please write more!
Lunacharm chapter 1 . 2/13/2008
This is a sweet story with a great touching moment between Rick and Lisa. Thanks for sharing your work and posting it for others to enjoy!
Anonymous chapter 1 . 5/13/2005
I thought that was good. I encourage Rick and Lisa's reletionship, and I thought was a good, well-written fic! Nice Job.
Auriki chapter 1 . 7/22/2004
Good! I like it!
Pline chapter 1 . 3/29/2004
Hm... it's pretty good.
Vixenne Victorienne chapter 1 . 9/10/2003
Your story took a different approach to the human side of war, and I really enjoyed Lisa's insights. I haven't read any of the McKinney books, save for 'The End of the Circle', so whatever details those added are welcome.

As far as the mechanics of the story, I can't see anything wrong with it. Your use descriptive tags is dead-on, and the story felt real. Rick and Lisa became not just characters, but people we actually care about.
k71 chapter 1 . 7/25/2003
Great story. I also enjoy the fiction on your website. Please keep writing these great stories!
Nonsequitur chapter 1 . 5/14/2003
Hey there,

I'm a big fan of yours from way back when. I found your stories on an ftp site and have been hooked since. They are some of my favorites. Especially since Robotech fics are so scarce and many of them focus more on the mecha and military stuff. I second everyone who wishes that you would write some more stories. It's impossible to get enough of them, especially the steamy ones!

Please post the rest of your work so that others can share it. I don't think anything you have can't be posted under an R rating, but maybe that's just me.

More Please!
Carla chapter 1 . 3/30/2003
Hey Dianora, it's my Carla, from Chile :) I'm glad you come here and found all this Robotech/Macross Fanfics :-) isn't this great or what? I'm so happy you put your fanfic here, and I really really hope you write new stuff too! you really have the talent, and I'm not the only one who think so. Write more please! :-) and read the one I told you about on the e-mail, it's an amazing story! you are going to love it, I'm sure! :)


RedLion2 chapter 1 . 3/22/2003
Nice story. It's good to see that Rick did have some sort of physical feelings toward Lisa before they admitted that they loved each other in the end.
Sis chapter 1 . 3/22/2003
Great one... as the others on your site!

When are you writhing new ones? ;-))
Aikiweezie chapter 1 . 3/22/2003
Dianora! You are one of my inspirations for writing my fanfics! Great stuff. I enjoy all your work. Glad to see it here. I know some of it is a litle too steamy for this website, though. I hope you'll write some new stuff.
IronicSymphony chapter 1 . 3/21/2003
WAI! Dianora's back! I've never read Alone, but have read your other fics. I'm so happy you're back!
Sphersian chapter 1 . 3/21/2003
Oh! I remember this story! I read it awhile back, it was great then and it is still great now! :)

Will you be writing some more stories? :)