Reviews for FILFY teacher
Jareth Arian chapter 6 . 2h
I did a bit of Research and added the Fate series into the Mix for the fun of it and I want your opinion and if I can use it once I thought of where can I use it.

Mannanán Mac Lir (Bazett Fraga McRemitz) the Irish God of the Sea (Stone of Resurrection), King of the Fae (Cloak of Invisibility), and Guardian of the Afterlife (The Elder Wand). Fragarach (The Answerer, That Which Comes Later Cuts First) the War God's Gouging Sword (Rank: EX Type: Anti-UnitCounter-Attack). Foster Father of Diarmuid Ua Duibhne [Gáe Buidhe the Yellow Rose of Mortality (Rank: B Type: Anti-Unit) and Gáe Dearg the Crimson Rose of Exorcism (Rank: B Type: Anti-Unitthe Love Spot, and Lugh the Irish God of Justice, War, Kingship, Craftsmen, Skills, Trade and Harvests, and the Father of the Demi-God Cú Chulainn [Gáe Bolg the Barbed Soaring Gouging Piercing Scarlet Spear of Carnage which Reverses Causality that Strikes with Death (Rank: B Type: Anti-Armythe Child of Light, who is Trained by Scáthach [Gáe Bolg Alternative the Soaring Spear of Piercing Death (Rank: B Type: Anti-Unitthe Queen of the Land of Shadows and Witch of Dún Scáith.

Just in case, I might use Lily Jessica Potter née Evans as Scáthach's Pseudo-Servant, possibly as "The Power the Dark Lord knows not".
Dragon Man 180 chapter 34 . 3h
I really want to see Cu deal with that descendant of his and be very disappointed. I can totally see him beating the guy around the prison asking everyone if theyre willing to switch opponents.

Harry and Yasaka vs the two wannabe gods is the fight im most interested in!
Okaze chapter 33 . 6h
Harry is MAD. Some of these fights should be real good.
ulttoanova chapter 34 . 12h
I absolutely loved this chapter, though I'm kind of annoyed at the cliffhanger, I can't wait for the next chapter, I want to see those two fossils get their asses kicked by Harry and Yasaka.
Jareth Arian chapter 2 . 2/10
Out of Curiosity, do you have a Summary aka Blunt way of Explaining Japanese Wizarding Magic? Like placing certain Words and what they represent in the most Simplest way. For Example on what I'm doing:

Ki is Body and Mind, Chakra is Body and Spirit, Aura is Soul and Heart, Reiryoku is Soul and Spirit, Haki is Mind and Spirit, Prana is Od and Mana, which Od is Ki, and Mana is Natural and Spirit. Body is the Physical Body, Soul is our Spiritual Body, Spirit is our Origin of Existence, Heart is the Bridge between Soul and Spirit, Natural is the Natural Energy of Nature itself as it is everywhere.

Stuff like this. Blunt and Straight Forward. Though I might need to fix that as I'm not satisfied with it.
JoshPlater chapter 34 . 2/10
I didnt realise that Samael was a Gear, I havent read the LNs. Being Dragon based though, wouldnt it be amusing if Asia, a natural Dragon Tamer, were to gain its power, ruining their plan for the second time, the first being her Miracle.

On another note, I assume the King pieces are only capable of empowering Devils, because if not, giving one to one of the Non Devil characters who will fight against the Egyptian duo would be interesting.
krzys2000 chapter 34 . 2/10
Eh what about Runes Gremory?

And Thanks for Chapter

Also in begging of Chapter there is Henry and should be Harry
insanecoop chapter 34 . 2/10
Edocsiru chapter 33 . 2/9
can you upload to ao3?
LordGraygem chapter 34 . 2/9
I really do hope that the bad guys get a proper hiding out of this, all three sets of them. They've been rocking along and leaving the heroes scrambling to react (and then clean up the mess after) for far too long now, they really do deserve a good, hard knockback that costs them meaningfully.
plums chapter 34 . 2/9
I do like that your omniscient Egyptian Duo actually got caught by Harry at the end there... although i do hope that the number of asspulls they randomly throw out aren't as bad as it was last time.
Monster King chapter 34 . 2/9
Awesome work please continue the story it's incredible
drducky chapter 21 . 2/7
well heres a completely polution free world instead of being smart about it and making sure to not fuck it up they are complaining about electricity and crap. also feel like harry should be connecting more to nature in this world
Kairan1979 chapter 23 . 2/2
Great plan (sarcasm). Attacking Harry's allies is the perfect way to get his attention, and most of the people who succeeded didn't survive it.
Kairan1979 chapter 22 . 2/1
Looks like Harry is not the only one who received a power-up.
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