Reviews for Seeking Ginny
Guest chapter 12 . 1/28
An earlier review was posted in this chapter, I don't know why.
Harry is back to being a selfish jerk. All the trouble he makes, and how cruel he is to Ginny, over a bloody letter! A letter he sent her after she'd been in Paris for a year, (without him writing her because he was doing so well with his girlfriend), because he was in trouble and needed her. Never thinking that he has passed her by for years, to take advantage of Ginny's feelings for him once again. And he's angry that she didn't read it - what did he expect? Knowing how Ginny felt about him, he spent years rubbing her nose in his relationship with Rebecca, to the point where she had to flee the country to try to be able to be happy without being focused her whole life on Harry. He kicked her out of her home, out of her country, and still expected her to fix his life too when Rebecca stabbed him in the back. And he has the shamelessness to attack Ginny in the worst possible way, while defending the one who did betray him, which was Rebecca. I don't like this Harry. He doesn't look like canon, and he's certainly not worthy of Ginny. She should have gotten her life in Paris redone and dated a good man who truly loved her, and whom she could love. But no, like the vast majority of sexist fics out there, you have to have her spend years keeping herself a virgin and pure (not a kiss to another) waiting for Harry (one who doesn't deserve her), and he in the meantime can have relationships with others. Yuck.
Guest chapter 11 . 1/27
Don't tell me that after doing a 5-year degree added to her normal education in linguistics, Ginny is going to end up being a store owner and shopkeeper. What did she study for then? If she didn't like the subject, she could have gone to work and live experiences there, just like that, and learn how to run a store, not study languages that she's never going to use afterwards. It's a waste of years of her life.
Guest chapter 12 . 1/26
What happened to Rebecca? The last mention of her was quite a few chapters ago, and it was Ginny saying that Harry and Rebecca were getting married. Since then she has been missing, with no explanation as to why. It doesn't make much sense that they were together for so long, and she disappears without more... I hope it's explained later, and that it's because Harry was aware that the one he really loves all along was Ginny.
Guest chapter 7 . 1/25
How dare Harry reproach Ginny for not writing to him, when he didn't either, with the excuse of his work, which goes both ways “you couldn't get my mail because of your work”. And especially when by the time she left, they barely spoke to each other in person, and had been a year of letters when she was at Hogwarts, where she would talk to him and ask him questions showing interest in him, and he would respond with “what if it's been raining a lot”, like having an awkward elevator conversation with a neighbor, talking about the weather. He could not expect her to keep insisting more on showing interest in him and keeping in touch, when he had not maintained the slightest interest in keeping in touch for over a year before she left for Paris. He is a hypocrite.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/24
And why is Harry who was shy to say the least with a girl and Ginny crying for him? Why do you always make Ginny stay virginal and faithful to him for years while he is with others? Not only is it unrealistic, but it strays from canon. If they weren't together in HBP according to your story, she would have stayed with Dean Thomas, since they broke up because Harry and her got closer, and because of Harry's use of felix felicis, so how come she's crying over him (opposite Ginny) and no boyfriend and he's with a girl and is confident enough to take her to the Burrow? No, you wrote that you would bring them closer to canon, and they are opposites.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/24
You say you corrected the play to make the characters more like the canon than you had originally written. I don't know how you originally wrote it, but Ginny wouldn't be a sea of tears as you've described her here, for nothing. Not even for Harry. Just like he wouldn't, let alone so soon after the war, be confident enough to date an unknown witch. Harry is not a person who opens up to others easily. After the war even less so, because he always hated that they could approach him for his fame and not for himself. He wouldn't meet a witch and ala, overnight boyfriends. They're not like in canon at the moment, either of them, so I don't know what you corrected. Ginny might suffer, but not cry like that easily. Not since the diary. If there was one thing Harry admired about her, it was that she never cried, and it says that in the original books, so that wasn't a good correction, sorry.
abigreader chapter 1 . 12/13/2024
8/10- Overall a very nice romance
Guest chapter 16 . 9/8/2024
Great story, I love it and I have read it twice in search of good Hinny stories. I hope you write more Hinny stories.
Alwin chapter 5 . 8/23/2024
Urgh, how can people love this fic? The characters are só unlikable. Harry is a morose, annoying anthropophobe and Ginny is insecurity personified, always running away, not even close to how she was in canon. No wonder both are alone.
Alwin chapter 4 . 8/23/2024
So basically she’s never showed any interest in him, whatsoever, not even slightly, and she’s annoyed that he treats her like a vague acquaintance? Big freaking surprise there…
Guest chapter 7 . 7/30/2024
Loved this chapter!
Cornyjoe chapter 16 . 9/12/2023
This was honestly overrated and felt very random at times
RogueAngel chapter 16 . 8/11/2022
I don't know if you are even active on Ff net anymore, but... it has been over a decade since I first read this story- And I might have missed the rewritten ending all together, but I still remembered bits of the plot - Paris, Brian, Christian and Aurlie, the absolute angst of Harry and Ginny... I started migrating my works from here to AO3 and the first one was my H/G valentines fic, which sent me down the rabbit hole of all my H/G WIPs that never got published and then searching for old stories that I once loved. When I saw this listed on a wiki page I had to read it - in a day. Good thing I don't work. I wish I could access the Astronomy tower, but I will make due with the fics I have managed to find so far and muddle my way through the Sugar Quill to find others. Just know that your story has stayed with me for years and I was thrilled to revisit it again. - RA
bewitchedquill chapter 10 . 7/26/2022
This is still my favorite fanfic ever. I come back to reread it year after year. I have very often imagined writing a fanfic of this story. I want to get a tshirt made that says "Is everyone friends with Angelina Johnson's mum?"
Guest chapter 16 . 6/18/2022
Dude. So. Good.
I cried. This was a whole emotional wreck of a journey, all 16 chapters. Amazing.
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