Reviews for Adventure Time with Finn, Marcy and Jake: Return of the Undead Jerkwad
Cody Black chapter 4 . 1/5/2019
Oh, how I love to hear how villians scheme, makes you bit your lip and think "the story just got good".
Nice plot and good backstory, it looks like you got goal in mind with the villain, and that's good.

I liked the way you make Cinnamon Bun so innocent and blissfully ignorant. Its totally contrast to what the main canon did towards the end of the series. I also like Gumnor, but sorry to say Ididnt really cre for his evil friends. Exceptr Mina, when you described her figure, boy did that make me...

Anyways, nice evil plan, and great job with Gumnor. I'm anxious to see how his plan goes. :)
Cody Black chapter 3 . 1/5/2019
Again, great chapter. I loved the battle with General Grant, and his undead army. Marceline's idea about the Huns came to a suprise to me, obviously I should of seen it coming, but I was seriously expecting her to bring back Generaln Lee and his army. Overall, good job on the battle dude!

The joking/romamce between Marceline and Finn was so good, it literally remindednme of how Marceline messed with Finn in the episode "Henchman". I love it when a fan fiction is continuation of those "good times" we all had with the show. You also did this with Jake and BMO, with a classic teasing of Finn because their bro's. Thank you for the nostalgic moments Slishes!

Those doubtful romamce afterthoughts througgout the chapter I thought were good, but also lenghty. I speak out of opinion when I say that slight, indicating thoughts with characters are better for stories than a long mental struggle. However, that's just me picking the pickles off my burger, your main story is filled with humor, romance, and great plots. I'm loving it.
Cody Black chapter 2 . 1/5/2019
Haha! Great job on giving some back story for the story, it really sets the mood for us readers. I don't know if making it a it a separate chapter was necessary, but but still great nonetheless. Your background story is a little off canon, Simon is no longer the Ice King, but that doesn't take anything away from your story, I think.

As for humor, I must say that you don't disappoint! I don't care what those critics say, I enjoyed every bit of the hilarious conversations between the writer and the narrator. For real dude, I seriously appreciate your sense of humor.

I didn't read Attraction, but I will after read all 7 chapters of this fanfic. Anyways, it doesn't make this fanfic any less enjoyable having not read it. Good job dude!
Cody Black chapter 1 . 1/5/2019
Oh Yeah! There has been a dire need for a good Finnceline fanfic on this site for a loooooooooooong time. So glad to see there's someone out there willing to write to us few who truly like the dynamic story of Finn Marceline.

To you Slishes Maloney, I'd like to personally thank you for the intro, and explaining the scenario of your story. Also, don't worry about about going off main canon, or the miniseries "Stakes". A lot of people were displeased with how the show ended, and most haven't seen the miniseries, so we are all game for this alternative timeline (Awsome title by the way).

As for your first chapter of this story, I say great job! It does exactly what an attention getter should do. As for character creativity, I must say I'm impressed of well you improvised to make this villian. As for humor, I say that it was pretty good for the beginning chapter, but from your intro I have a feeling that there's more if this funny nonsense to come, I like it ;).
He23t chapter 7 . 1/4/2019
Marceline is conflicted feelings and she's bottling it up to the point of feeling sadness and lonely. And Death mocking her just made it worst. I hope she finds what she's looking for or is it too late?

Great chapter, hope for a chapter soon.
He23t chapter 6 . 1/3/2019
Well Finn training to be the best sword fighter is a working progress but's it's getting there. And a new adventure awaits for the adventure duo.

I feel excited at this chapter and hope for the next.
He23t chapter 5 . 10/2/2018
Glad your still continue the story. And you did not disappoint.

The first part being CB being the goofy lovable pastry being, doing the most sneaky and clever way of kidnapping PB was very unexpected.

And for PB is gonna get harder from here on out, since now she's at the mercy of the vampire king. And castlevania is practically impenetrable.

Hope the dynamic duo of Finn and Jake plus Marceline the radical vampire queen would save PB and the rest of OOO.
Energizing Entry chapter 4 . 4/10/2018
This is awesome, I finally found a writer that follows the flow of how the people in adventure Time act and talk, this is awesome
Stormy Vixen chapter 1 . 2/2/2018
Ha! Disgruntled Fanonverse! Awesome
He23t chapter 4 . 1/8/2018
Now that is straight OG on this chapter.
He23t chapter 3 . 1/8/2018
Now those feeling now are growing again.
He23t chapter 2 . 1/7/2018
Well slowly and steady this story will be the greatest of all time. Patience is key.
He23t chapter 1 . 1/7/2018
It's back baby!