Reviews for 26 Letters
Chloe bird-kid of all gods chapter 9 . 4/23/2022
I think I have an interesting word to throw into the ring for the letter "J"
jalouse:to suspect; to be jealous of
kasulatanes chapter 9 . 4/22/2022
ahh this is such a good series! i love how you write these like episodes of the actual show, feels very authentic. i hope you keep doing more stuff for this
TheMistyBlackCloud chapter 9 . 3/21/2022
I hope if you return to this story, that Dr. Two Brains has a redemption arc. Would be nice to see Steven Boxleitner again especially since he had such a tragic backstory. That said, I have been obsessed over your series for months but had to keep pausing because the chapters was so long and I'm too slow of a reader to read them. I love your series. It is my favorite one involving Wordgirl, and I pretend that they are Canon now that the show has been canceled.
Just a Fan chapter 9 . 3/3/2022
Hey hey I just wanted to say that recently I’ve gotten into the Wordgirl fandom because of you fanfictions, I really love your content! I don’t think you’ll ever see this but I hope you return to finish this story someday, or drop in to link some other places to reach you because I think your a really cool author!
peijichan chapter 9 . 9/12/2021
Ok, so, as a Tobecky fan I checked this out first, but was easily hooked by your writing style and your take on the show so I read "Saving Tobey," "Time to Go Home," and the one-shot that takes place in between. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your stuff! You do a tremendous job keeping everyone in-character (I can easily hear the voices of the characters speaking their lines, which is no small feat!), and I love how you handled Tobey's redemption and steady transformation to the sweet, determined, yet still cocky boy he is. I also appreciate how you have a Bible verse that sets the theme for each chapter. And from how nice it is having Becky's family and even Mrs. McCallister knowing her secret identity in your stories, I wish the writers of the show had gone that route before it ended. Ah well. Don't feel bad if you aren't able to post as often as you wanted to; I absolutely understand that life happens. I just wanted to encourage you that you've got a true gift for writing, and I'm also a huge fan of your take on WordGirl! Thanks for telling such sweet and wholesome stories! :)
Thornz49 chapter 9 . 2/4/2021
The minute I saw that TJ said: "Wow, these controls are so smooth!"
Also... Super Bash Siblings. *Super Smash Bros*
Griselda Banks chapter 9 . 10/4/2020
Aww, it's so good to get another installment of this! The chapter was cute and funny, exactly what it needed to be! I hope you're not too hard on yourself for the time it took to write this, because I think all that hard work paid off. Just like always, I feel like I just watched an episode of the actual show. I think my favorite thing about it was all the banter back and forth with the Narrator. It's so fun having him around, because then you can actually use things like flashbacks to give the characters information it would take forever to learn otherwise XD Only in a show like this does it work!

But what got me laughing the most is that baby carrots are literally just normal carrots cut in a smaller size XD Another thing that just WORKS in a story like this, even though it doesn't make logical sense! I love it. (I also like imagining Dr. Two-Brains loading the shrink ray with baby carrots like they're shotgun shells or something :P)

P.S. I'm looking forward to the oneshot, whenever it comes :)
adrienna73 chapter 9 . 10/4/2020
I always love your stories. And this chapter reminded me of how beautiful this show is. I haven’t watched or read fanfic for it in a while but I always get excited for your updates
macook chapter 9 . 10/3/2020
I was a tad bored mid-story, with the repeated calling for help, but the story was well suited for this world and I agree
that the characters would behave as you described - if they are naturally evolving into better people. May I also compliment you on the care you took to use and expound on existing material - with notes for references. All in all,
I give this story a hearty, enthusiastic "thumbs-up" and the narrator, a loving nod.
winter rose-chan chapter 1 . 9/6/2020
You should write more wordgirl stories! You wrote literally the best ones. I just love how deep you went with the characters. Wordgirl will always be one of my favorite PBS shows.
ElementalKeys chapter 1 . 8/6/2020
I am convinced your not updating this because it has 69k! xD
JazzTraitor chapter 8 . 8/6/2020
This whole fanfiction is so freaking cute. I like the "26 letters" idea (I might use it as an exercise for myself) and I love the Bible verses. It's weird because you'd think it would "break the immersion" or something, but since they're brief, appropriate and placed at the very end of each chapter, they only serve as a gentle distraction. I love the characterization, and I love how you keep everyone in character while putting them in unexpected situations. I also think the emotions are on point.
Did I mention I love this fanfiction?!
It's just too bad I can't think of any obscure or interesting words that begin with I.
Griselda Banks chapter 8 . 6/17/2020
This was a really fun chapter! I loved getting to watch a brainstorming session for one of Tobey's ventures. It really serves to show how far he's come from the old days, when he would shut himself up in his room and do all the planning and execution on his own. Not to mention that he would never before have worried about whether something could be helpful in some way to other people. And I absolutely believe he could become a multi-billionaire with that universal gaming system. I'd pay good money for one! I also enjoyed how you laid the groundwork for what he was finally going to decide to do. I could totally see it coming, but in the same way you can see things coming in the show itself. Instead of it being eye-rollingly predictable, it was ironic, and it made me smile that it was taking this genius so long to realize what was staring him right in the face.

My favorite part:
"He looked as much like a professional business consultant as a chimpanzee wearing a diaper possibly could." My beloved Bob at his best X3

And Super-Duper Bash Siblings! I love it! XD
macook chapter 8 . 6/13/2020
Expertly written. Loved it. If ever your brother 'costumes himself up', I hope he will consider Toby. There's not enough alter-egos of him around. Thanks for your hard work. You are getting better all the time.
adrienna73 chapter 8 . 6/13/2020
This is so good. When TJ and Johnson were playing with Tobey’s PlayStation, I was like “There is the invention!” And I was slightly confused about the smartphone thing but I also remembered (which you put in the author’s notes) that I read somewhere that theories that the WordGirl universe is in the 90s so it makes sense. I have been getting involved with other fandoms but fanfics like these (high quality writing) makes me still wanna read for this shows. The first Fandom j was in, was the WordGirl one. It’s the original fandom for me. I await for when you update for the next one shot
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