Reviews for DC - Remastered Edition
ThelonelyReader chapter 22 . 12/9/2024
I spent a lot of time reading and re-reading this fic. I enjoyed the dark realistic reality at the time, at least that is what I thought. In reality I just wanted to read about someone who was suffering because I felt like I was suffering. It was an escape for me, someone else had a worse life than me and they still managed to come out on top. Thank you.
WightGrimmBorn chapter 2 . 12/2/2024
okay just read it again almost entirely word for word the only difference is it doesn't have a system
WightGrimmBorn chapter 1 . 12/2/2024
okay just read more of the story he's taking his own turn on it but it is so obvious he's read this story before he didn't even throw away inspiration by our favorite author here
WightGrimmBorn chapter 1 . 12/2/2024
just a heads up someone over on web novel is plagiarizing this story under the name DC: Im Dr Doom read a little bit of the story but it's word for word this one for the first three chapters I'm going to continue reading and see what else I can find
ZenithOmega chapter 22 . 10/17/2024
aww... was good story though.
Nogoodnamesisnotmine chapter 22 . 10/13/2024
I really enjoy this send off. Today i got bored and was thinking of some edgy stories i liked a few years ago. I read this story in the worst part if my life so far. The storys emotions stuck with me more than i the plot did. Im very happy that you are enjoying life more
Dananator chapter 22 . 9/3/2024
I just read the notice… thanks for writing. Hope you enjoy your life man.

At the end of the day Fanfiction is free and is written at the expense of the author’s time. So I wanted to thank you for sharing your stories with us on the off chance that you’ll see this.

Someday I might write something small of my own… even though I suck at writing fiction.
Dananator chapter 20 . 9/3/2024
I just wanted to give a short review to say that you remain one of my favorite writers on this site. Hope you update soon and all is well with your life.
Guest chapter 22 . 9/1/2024
Hey, man, just want to know that I keep you in mind always.
Your tab is the very first of my defunct (and slowly vanishing due to account deletion) ff's author group. We miss you bruh.
Haven't read your third book yet, but I still remember the plot twist cliffhanger you left us at the end of the second one. Will get around to doing it sometime.
So... Even if edgy isn't the thing anymore, have you tried doing any new ffs? Might enjoy reading almost anything if it's written by you.
But, anyways, just wanted to say something, in case you lurk around
Pahn chapter 22 . 7/26/2024
I feel you buddy. I was a fanfic writer in my late teens and got a lot of reviews on my stories. I was in a bad place then and angsted my way through things. Now that I'm older with a wife, I look back and realize that those bad and rough times were temporary and I shouldn't let them define me as a person. I truly hope you are in a better place now mentally and will be looking forward to anything you write. This was a wonderful story and your talent with writing is very clear. Thank you for the literary experience and i will be looking forward to anything you do in the future.

Reading through this story was a wonderful experience for me and I genuinely thank you for creating the art that you did.
KaratachiYagura chapter 22 . 7/25/2024
Wow, I came to this chapter because I saw it was the most recent. Does this mean "A Precise Note" will also be discontinued?

I hope not, as it's one of the best BNHA fics I've read and has changed my perspective on that universe.

In any case, I respect your wishes. I might buy one of your books; if your skill in writing fics is remarkable, I can't imagine how it is for writing books.

Good luck, and stay safe.
strytl69 chapter 10 . 7/24/2024
i love this novel so much. i like dark mc
HeartofBraum chapter 6 . 7/23/2024
This is disappointing, his goal to end the ‘world of masks and capes’ is not a bad goal by any means, but why is he so annoyingly edgy? I understand his stance on villains, but his hatred for superheroes seems so completely and utterly ridiculous. ‘Heroes weren’t there when I needed it, they didn’t do enough, so all heroes must be broken and eliminated’. It’s gone from an MC with justifiable motivations to a narcissistic sociopath that is lashing out, which is far less interesting
vikinggold32 chapter 22 . 7/15/2024
Songbird bastard, return lucifer and let him finish this work. This should be at least 100 more chapters.
holygull chapter 22 . 7/10/2024
Well, i never like the "i wILL KiLL eVerYoNe bECauSE tHEY dON't fEEl rEaL" like bro...
When i read Meta essence gacha in marvel on webnovel i realize how inferior this novel is in every aspect lol
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