Reviews for A Marriage of Convenience
Church Nexus 28 chapter 1 . 9/23
I like the idea but Harry not fighting back when forced to marry somebody. Yeah I really don’t like it. Good story overall but Harry would’ve just somebody else’s wishes. He would not allow his own problems to be someone else’s problems am I?
Capros chapter 67 . 8/21
I've enjoyed this story on more than one occasion but I've always taken exception to excessive use of the term 'whore.' I know why you use it but I believe you could have selected a different word without losing the effect. Still, I enjoy your work.
csheila chapter 1 . 7/25
Looking forward
Nimbus2023 chapter 106 . 7/13
This was a very interesting story that kept my attention from the beginning to the end. The mystery was done very well and the final confrontation with Alexander was quite satisfying.

My main criticism is that the number of chapters was quite excessive, two or three chapters could have been compressed into one doing away with a lot of the constant cliffhangers. To that point, the cliffhangers would have driven me insane if I had been reading this while the story was still a WIP.

All in all a wonderful story, thank you for sharing this.
Nimbus2023 chapter 106 . 7/12
Question answered
Nimbus2023 chapter 95 . 7/12
Hypothetically, if someone is under polyjuice does their DNA mimic that of the person they're impersonating? What about their fingerprints? Since the polyjuice transformation turns a person into an exact copy of someone else it only makes sense that their fingerprints would as well, meaning that modern forensics could be fooled by a simple dose of polyjuice potion.
Nimbus2023 chapter 94 . 7/12
Lucius' wand was destroyed during the night of the seven Harrys, it exploded in Voldemort's hand when Harry's wand connected with it.
Nimbus2023 chapter 80 . 7/12
If a house elf cannot give evidence in the defence of its master it stands to reason that anything it says cannot be used for prosecution either.
Nimbus2023 chapter 78 . 7/12
There is a simple way for Harry to find out who murdered Ginny. The resurrection stone should still be in the forest where he left it so all he has to do is call her back and ask her... just saying.
Nimbus2023 chapter 73 . 7/12
She met Alexander when she met Frudge if I remember correctly.
Nimbus2023 chapter 70 . 7/12
Called it
Nimbus2023 chapter 65 . 7/12
Ginny seems a bit... deluded
Nimbus2023 chapter 61 . 7/11
Williams is the assassin! At Hermione's Christmas party he had a date that works in the portkey office, that can't be a coincidence. True the other bloke's date also worked in the portkey office but Williams arranged it probably to cover his tracks.
Nimbus2023 chapter 60 . 7/11
It sounds like the Greengrass cousin was trained in assassination by Wile E. Coyote himself.
Nimbus2023 chapter 58 . 7/11
This dude is a moron. This latest attack reminds me of Draco's failed assassination attempts in HBP.
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