Reviews for A Most Unlikely Berserker
Shadowcell21 chapter 19 . 1/30
Hey just got here, hope the story isn’t dead. Can’t wait for the next chapter and to see the end
22jward chapter 19 . 12/18/2024
more please
hinoob694200 chapter 14 . 12/4/2024
hinoob694200 chapter 11 . 12/4/2024
this is awesome i finally found a good crossover
Guest chapter 18 . 10/21/2024
Claro que sí.
Djflemse chapter 19 . 10/16/2024
Love the story and hope to see more in the future.
Spedyalarm chapter 19 . 8/18/2024
Spedyalarm chapter 9 . 8/18/2024
nexusplayer chapter 1 . 8/18/2024
Is this story finished?
Or will there be more chapters?
Can we see hashirama inside Fate grand order or Stay night?
Maybe Naruto inside Record of ragnarok?
Wolf Mike chapter 19 . 8/4/2024
Are going to continue with this story, cause I like reading it.
22jward chapter 19 . 6/9/2024
more please
Guest chapter 19 . 6/8/2024
No sé si recibas mensaje de esto, pero la primera vez que leí está historia quedé fascinado, ya a pasado más de uno año desde eso, y realmente disfrutaría ver la continuación, me encanta la relación Naruto/mordred e igualmente el resto de emparejamientos
NewMystery356 chapter 10 . 4/21/2024
Yikes. Now THAT is family drama. Also, Mordred-chan’s reaction to her “first kiss” was spotless~
codeninja676 chapter 9 . 4/3/2024
Did that bitch of a Grail summon a motherfuckering Grand Servant in a Grail War?! The hell is it thinking? Grail or not Alaya and Kasha would drop the Counter Force this war like Madara's meteorites like yesterday its bad enough the war has an irregular in Naruto which would trigger at least the Counter Force to send someone to investigate, but now it also has not one not two but three separate whole ass demigods in one place, a personification of the concept of Death, 3 part dragon swordsmen, a partially divine centaur, a writer with the ability to break spirits, a golem maker capable of crafting the primordial human, the personification of the stories and victims of Jack the ripper, a literal Saint, the queen of Babylon, a Fran, and freaking Astolfo, seriously this clusterfuck would be enough for the Counter Force to nuke Trifas and it's surrounding cities.
codeninja676 chapter 6 . 4/2/2024
In confused why Naruto would be afraid of Siegfried's Balmung, Naruto is not Draconic in any way shape or form and Balmung is specifically a weapon that's only incredibly dangerous to Dragons and people related to them. Don't get me wrong it's still a super powerful sword that can match swords near Excalibur level but it's still just a very powerful sword now if it was Gae Bolg which has the literal concept of death attach to it and exists to slay beasts and men alike then I would get it but not with Balmung.
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