Reviews for Swords and Roses
darklightuk chapter 35 . 2/1
A great surprise to randomly stumble upon one wet cold eve.
Please keep up the great work, I look forward to your next instalment
Immaterium chapter 28 . 12/25/2024
It is funny how nobody even thinks just how Rhaenys supposedly managed to acquire five dragon eggs, much less how she hatched them - given the fact that, let's be honest, all she does is look pretty, have a blood and name, while Harry does all the heavy lifting.
If he truly wanted to, he could conquer all of Westeros and Essos with ease without bothering with all the "high lords" - he could just bind all the important people with magic to ensure no rebellions - easy as that. He is with his power essentially the most powerful human in the world and could, in my opinion, bring even dragons down with relative ease
Mando-Vet chapter 35 . 12/4/2024
Outstanding story
Mando-Vet chapter 33 . 12/4/2024
Oh wow :o
Now THATS some god-level cruelty. I love it!
Mando-Vet chapter 13 . 12/3/2024
Watching that monster fall was exhilarating. Well done, mate.
Mando-Vet chapter 12 . 12/3/2024
Now, the fun begins...
Mando-Vet chapter 11 . 12/3/2024
Harry has become Spartacus... I love it, lol
Mando-Vet chapter 7 . 12/2/2024
This battle reminded me of a cross between Gaugamela and Cannae.
Mando-Vet chapter 1 . 12/1/2024
Helluva opening chapter
darthjosh420 chapter 25 . 11/10/2024
Its just drama for the sake of having drama, really sad that harry is so pathetic even with his magic. You would think after all he has done he wouldn't be a pushover but you would be wrong , in this story he is nothing but a pathetic pushover with super op powers and refuses to use them, and is always afraid of really weak ass people like the 3 eyed raven, any other lord, and always comes in late because the author wanted to keep close to cannon for some dumbass reason. A few grammer problems but not that bad, the story howevwr is good for people who like being shit on and then asking for more shit.
MrTurnt chapter 29 . 11/6/2024
What is your obession is jon snow why ALWAYS have harry try ans help him in every story? Harry is the mc let jon die off screen
SurealFoxtrot chapter 25 . 11/1/2024
Why is he politicking!? He has dragons and MAGIC! All arguments against him are invalid
Lot1t chapter 1 . 10/29/2024
The note was enough to understand how stupid the author is a degenerate. Fuck do you even start writing something if you can't find the most basic basics on the Internet, you idiot.
Veinydique chapter 1 . 9/17/2024
I can't overlook the fact that the author don't even know about lady Alerie being a Hightower, or that Willas is the firstborn and Garlan is second. The wiki is there for a reason bro.
M.Cain chapter 26 . 9/2/2024
dude you spoiled alot with the notes at the beginning oof the chapter idk if they are meant to be there .
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