Reviews for Letters to Everybody
SMB chapter 3 . 12/20/2024
That's f**king garbage. You're supposed to fix Harry being a big f**king pussy and you made him an even bigger f**king pussy. Apologizing to Snape? F**k you. Warning him and helping him? Dropping this stupid shit.
SomeLost chapter 21 . 11/11/2024
SomeLost chapter 19 . 11/11/2024
We can always count on gred and forge
Jake Crepeau chapter 19 . 4/2/2024
Beautifully done. As someone who worked in a hospital for nearly twenty years, I can really appreciate the detail you provided here. Very well done! And the twins' reaction was perfect! ;D
Jake Crepeau chapter 3 . 3/30/2024
I have heard that many times before, that dark does not equal evil, yet every bit of research I have ever done on magic (and I've done a LOT of it over the years) states that dark certainly DOES equal evil. So where is everyone getting this information from?
Zeromaru Chaos Mode chapter 21 . 2/21/2024
i love how the thing that almost brought him back was the indignation of "who the fuck is YOU, telling me what to do?"

somehow, that's perfectly fitting.
Nina05 chapter 21 . 1/18/2024
I hope you find the time to write again. This story is incredible. You have a unique view of things.
Guest chapter 21 . 8/2/2023
Keep annoying him Draco! You'll be able to boast that you are able to tick someone off so much, that they will wake up from coma just to shut you up!
fallenangel8635 chapter 21 . 8/1/2023
Still a good read thank you
Would like more please would like to know what happens next
legiongrey2000 chapter 21 . 7/15/2023
Hope you decide to return and update, it is a great story.
Jacob Fritzsching chapter 21 . 7/11/2023
Please update your story soon!
fallenangel8635 chapter 21 . 5/25/2023
Good read thank you
More please would like to know what happens next
Badbonita chapter 1 . 5/15/2023
Excellent story.
Thank you for writing
GiddyGurl chapter 21 . 5/10/2023
Eppp! Left at a cliffhanger. Exciting. So good. I was hooked since the first chapter. Absolutely loved the read.
Stacey's Universe chapter 21 . 4/21/2023
Please write more, its been ages... Yes im a dreadfully slow reader but im enjoying reading this fic...
Finding out that snape and voldy are now Harry's dads should be fun to write lol
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