Reviews for Silent Shadow
Guest chapter 25 . 8/29/2020
A thrilling and sweet story. Thank you
Wolfkins chapter 25 . 8/29/2020
love, that's all I can say!
Fanficfan826 chapter 25 . 8/29/2020
Sooooooooo good. And well written!
Thank you so much!
PartKneazle chapter 25 . 8/28/2020
This was an amazing tale, I loved the wild ride and I honestly wasn’t expecting Kingsley to be in the loop. I loved how you portrayed Hermione and Fenrir in this story. Proudfoot annoyed me most of the time until the end but that was because I was viewing him through Hermione’s eyes

Good job
happyhoof chapter 25 . 8/28/2020
This story was beautiful. I hate Fenrir/Hermione fanfic as a general rule. But you did this well, and made it believable. And also shocked me. I never thought it would be Kingsley at the end. Completely blindsided. Wonderful job!
rilkelee chapter 25 . 8/27/2020
WOW i just binge read this whole thing and i absolutely ADORED it. i loved watching hermione have to challenge her deeply ingrained assumptions and beliefs. i had a feeling about kingsley...glad he ended up locked up and hermione will be able to live her life with Fenrir/Clark after allwhat a great story. thank you for writing!
lhbmac chapter 25 . 8/26/2020
i was shocked at the culprit! thank you so much! I had to finish the story during dinner time so I told a white lie and said I had to finish something for work!
icklecat chapter 5 . 8/26/2020
Ahhhhhh, that little bit of doubt about werewolf child armies being a rumour was perfect 3
cdmartinez chapter 25 . 8/25/2020
Great read! Such a good plot. Binge read this in 2 days. 10/10
icklecat chapter 2 . 8/25/2020
Wandered off in a daydream to ship Kingsley and Hermione 3
Really interested in how you're going to get Fenrir and Hermione together, I've only seen it happen in Voldemort winning timelines
firequeen0113 chapter 25 . 8/25/2020
this story was amazing. thank you for the great well written well thought out read.
SapphireSky chapter 25 . 8/24/2020
Thank you for this wonderful story!
sphalerite chapter 24 . 8/24/2020
uuurrrgh I'm so mad! but this is so good!
DarkAvidity chapter 25 . 8/23/2020
Great job!
alannalove1990 chapter 25 . 8/23/2020
Awwwwwww this was wonderful! I love this story sooooo much! It’s super great and so sweet
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